Placement and intership information for employers
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) enables coursework and research degree students to learn and apply disciplinary knowledge through engagement with industry and community partners in authentic activities that integrate theory with practice within a purposefully designed curriculum or research project.WIL activities incorporated into coursework programs must demonstrate all the following characteristics:
The University will also co-ordinate opportunities for research degree students to undertake WIL activities that aim to enhance relevant disciplinary expertise and research capability but will not be assessed.
> Download the UniSA Work Integrated Learning Policy (PDF 196KB)
In general, the following activities are not covered under the definition of WIL, however may still need some supporting processes. Please contact your Academic Unit WIL team for further information.
For a research internship to be counted towards UniSA’s RTP funding weighting, a research internship must meet the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s criteria, and must be:
To be defined as Work Integrated Learning, activities should fall under the definition of WIL as outlined in the WIL policy. Prior to students undertaking a WIL activity the following areas should be considered and appropriate steps taken to ensure the WIL activity is appropriately managed and has the correct approvals in place.
The below areas for consideration are a minimum standard for WIL activities and your Academic Units will have additional specifications aligned to local area requirements. Please ensure that you contact your local WIL team (contact details below)
Students undertaking approved Work Integrated Learning activities are provided with relevant insurance. Further information including the required forms is available from the Finance Unit
It is important to review the VCA framework to ensure any contracts with placement and internship providers are endorsed by the staff member with the required VCA, and any other placement related information is authorised within this framework. The VCA authorisations can be found here
UniSA approved WIL Agreements are required for all students undertaking a WIL experience and must be completed prior to commencing an opportunity. An agreement may vary depending on the type of WIL experience your student is undertaking and placement conditions can be unique to the industry provider and the Academic Unit requirements. Please contact your local area WIL team for more advice and the correct agreement template.
Staff working within WIL - you are encouraged to share knowledge and experience of WIL templates so best practice can continue to evolve and we can ensure that students have the most up to date and relevant information contained within contracts. This is also important for our relationships with industry partners. We want to ensure that our industry partners experience seamless service delivery, and we make it easy for them to engage with us to support our students.
The Work Integrated Learning Community of Practice (WIL-CoP) is a UniSA-wide collective that fosters information sharing, sharing best practice in the implementation of policy and procedure, and identifies and critically appraises national trends in the orchestration and administration of Work Integrated Learning for undergraduate, postgraduate coursework, and research degree students.
The overarching aim of the WIL-CoP is to drive implementation of initiatives that result in institutionally harmonised, strategically driven, highly quality WIL experiences for students.
For more information please contact:
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Clinical Placement Unit | |
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Business Internship team | |
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Clinical Placement Unit | |
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John Gartland/Hayley Raven | |
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Professional Education Office | |
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Psychology and Social Work and Human Services Placement team | |
Law Placement team | |
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STEM Industry Experience team | |