Design Process

Information can be sought from a number of sources and the process that is undertaken can vary depending on the complexity of the role. A new position in a structure will require a more detailed analysis whereas an established position may only need a review of the duties and activities.

Jobs should not be designed in isolation from other jobs within the work area. The local area, structure and objective of the work area should be taken into account.

Sources of data

Information associated with a job analysis can be gained from the following sources:

  • Supervisor/Manager of the proposed established position
  • The current incumbent (or a staff member who has undertaken the duties in the past)
  • Team members of the proposed/established position
  • A staff member from another work area with a similar position
  • Managers who employ similar positions
  • Performance plans and key performance indicators of current incumbent
  • Workforce plans
  • Program timetables or customer feedback forms
  • Student evaluations
  • People, Talent and Culture staff

Data gathering

In this stage the following questions should be asked:

  • What are the future directions/objectives of the local area?
  • What are the responsibilities of the position?
  • Is the position academic or professional/general (does the role require knowledge of the teaching and learning environment)?
  • What is the length of appointment and/or service fraction?
  • What are the specific tasks and how will they be done?
  • Why do they need to be done?
  • What impact will there be on other positions in the area?
  • Where will the work be done? (physical location)
  • Who are the clients and what are their needs?
  • How is the work currently organised?
  • Who will the position report to?
  • Will any positions report to this position?
  • What is the minimum knowledge and skills required to do the position?
  • What equipment or working aids are required?

This information is often known but can also be obtained through research such as observation, interviews, questionnaires, group discussion and client feedback.

Most employees want to take part in decision making about matters that affect their work. They also have valuable information to contribute. Employees are also far more likely to act on decisions that they have had a part in making. An interchange of ideas will allow for effective involvement and motivation.

Data analysis

During the analysis phase the following should be included:

  • Group the tasks into functional areas, eg. process enrolment forms and respond to student enquiries should be under the functional heading of Student Administration.
  • Eliminate all unnecessary and wasteful activities.
  • Simplify unnecessarily complex activities or procedures.
  • List the functional areas in order of importance.