Physical Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing is about being in good health so that you have enough energy to get the things you need and want to get done each day. People with high physical wellbeing have an absence of illness, or if they do have an illness, it is well managed. Physical wellbeing is improved by doing physical activity, getting enough sleep, eating well and looking after your body.

The Sleep Health Foundation report by Deloitte Access Economics says four in ten Australian adults don't get adequate sleep and half of those experience ongoing pathologically high levels of daytime sleepiness.

Four controllable factors increase poor sleep and risks:

  •  Lifestyle choices
  •  Shift work
  •  Excessive work hours
  •  Impact of lighting and technology

Refer to the BUPA's Sleeping Tips  and if you would like to find out more about UniSA's activities, please visit the Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre website and also its Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory pages.

Did you know? If you are feeling thirsty then you are probably already dehydrated… 

See the Healthy Hydration Fact Sheet for more information.


UV cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light which we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. Our senses cannot detect UV so it can be damaging without us knowing. There is a huge variation in UV levels across Australia. The UV level is affected by a number of factors including the time of day, time of year, cloud cover, altitude, proximity to the equator, scattering and reflection. (

Take away the guesswork by downloading the free SunSmart App to your mobile device. The App shows the sun protection times for you location in Australia, making it easier than ever to be smart about your sun exposure all year.

UniSA initiatives

  • Staff can salary sacrifice a 12-month up-front membership at UniSA fitness centres that are operated by UniSA Sport. Staff wishing to do this need to pay for the membership first and then attach the original tax invoice and proof of payment to the HRIS 044 Form and forward to Payroll Services to activate a salary sacrifice arrangement. If you have any questions, contact the Payroll Helpdesk on 8302 2911.

    Please note: Membership fees incurred at an externally operated gym will NOT be eligible for salary sacrificing

Health education and management



References and resources