How can I request installation of new software on teaching platforms?

Academic units requiring specific software for teaching their courses in the Computer Pools need to complete the Pool Software Installation Request Form. Forms must be submitted 4 weeks before the required date to ensure time for the software to be installed and tested.

This form is required for:

  • General purpose pool rooms
  • Specialist computer pool rooms
  • Barns
  • UniSA Student Apps
  • Collabarative teaching spaces

Pools software should be installed for the full year, and will be removed at the end of the year. Versions of the software will remain on the current version until the end of the year. A new application should be submitted if the software is required for any subsequent years.

The request should be submitted by the Course Coordinator or other staff member responsible for teaching the course. The requesting Academic Unit is normally responsible for providing the relevant licenses and the installation request should be accompanied by copies of the license or, in the case of public domain software or freeware, documentation of the relevant license conditions.

NOTE: Students can not request software to be installed on UniSA Pools or Barns, whether long term or short term. If students feel it will help them to complete their studies successfully they will need to consult with their Academic Unit.

Further Assistance

If you require further information or assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk on (08) 830 25000 or 1300 558 654.