My eligibility


EligibilityHow do I know if I am eligible to supervise new students?

Your eligibility is noted in the HDR staff portal on the MyUniSA site, which can be navigated from Research > My Supervision > Supervision Eligibility.

What criteria do I need to meet to be able to supervise?

Policy RES 18 Higher Degrees by Research Supervision and the associated Procedures provide guidance on the appointment and management of supervisors.

Normally, to be eligible as a Co-supervisor, you must be a University academic staff member (including Adjunct), hold a doctoral degree by research and have undertaken Supervising@UniSA (the University’s supervisor induction program) and must undertake professional development activities. Details for Supervising@UniSA are available on the Induction and development opportunities for supervisors of Higher Degree by Research candidates website.

A Principal Supervisor meets all Co-supervisor criteria and has supervised at least one research degree student to completion in the last five years and can demonstrate that they are active researchers in their discipline area to the satisfaction of the Dean of Research (or delegate).


I don’t meet all of those criteria, but believe I am ready to supervise...

The policy allows for exemptions to be granted by the Executive Dean of your Academic Unit.

Contact your area REPL or equivalent who will progress your request to the Dean of Research (or delegate) for recommendation to the Executive Dean.

Once I am on the register as an eligible supervisor, can my status change?

Yes. The register is updated regularly against the eligibility criteria, and your eligibility may change if your circumstances change. 

For example, if you are eligible as a Co-supervisor who is involved in supervising a student to completion, and you are an active researcher, you may be eligible to become a Principal Supervisor.. 

If you are eligible as a Principal Supervisor but you are not research active or your completions are more than 5 years old at the time of the update, then your eligibility may change to Co-supervisor.

How does a change in eligibility affect my current students?

Any change to your eligibility during the annual update will not affect your current supervisory arrangements.  If you become ineligible you will be unable to take on any new students.

I haven’t attended Supervising@UniSA.  How do I find out about future workshops, and how do I register?

Workshops are held throughout the year. Details can be found on the Induction and development opportunities for supervisors of Higher Degree by Research candidates website or email questions to