Justice and Society Photography Competition 2023

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The Water Lily

Title: The Water Lily

Sharine Guerra Madoo , Undergraduate Student

They say that where flowers bloom there is hope because flowers don't tell they show. So, as long we are alive, there is hope and opportunity blossom.


Title: Hold

Sharine Guerra Madoo, Undergraduate Student

Hope to me is about never giving up. It's about being is able to hold on and to simply trust yourself to navigate the grey days.

From little things...

Title: From Little Things...

Sally Kuzniecow, Professional Staff

The smallest thing can have such an impact. Take this little blue wren, a symbol of hope and new beginnings.

A new chapter in life

Title: A New Chapter In Life

Billy Setiawan, HDR Student

I took this photo on my flight back to Adelaide from a short interstate trip earlier this year. This view reminded me of the hope I brought with me when I first landed in Adelaide a few years ago, a new chapter that I decided to embark on with hope. The hope and desire to be better in many aspects of life - not just for myself but for others. For many people, the view from the plane as it lands often represents a new chapter in life - of moving forward, of hope and dreams for a better future in whatever form it may take.

The Sky Turned Pink

Title: The Sky Turned Pink

Nirvika Lopchan, Undergraduate Student

While huffing and puffing to catch the train on my first day of university, in between jetlag, fatigue, getting lost, feeling overwhelmed, homesickness, nausea, loneliness, there arose fear and self-doubt; feelings not unknown to an international student. Questions of "Am I doing the right thing?", "Am I on the correct path?" flooded my mind when the morning sky was still in thirst for sunlight. Always an admirer of colorful skies, I desperately prayed for a sign to indicate that I am indeed on the right path. So, when the clouds started clearing and the sun began to rise, I was blessed with a picturesque sky, with shades of rose and gold. That nurtured a tiny little seed of hope inside me, the one that flowers faith, trust, strength, and courage. And on that day and the days after, it was all that was needed.

Worth it

Title: Worth It

Simone Marangon, Professional Staff

This photo was taken on the Morphett Street bridge just after sunrise. That morning I had been so tempted to ignore my early alarm and stay in bed instead of going for a run. As I got to the top of the bridge and looked over the Torrens, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be there at that exact moment to witness something so beautiful. Getting out of bed was worth it.

Since our friend and colleague Georgina died, I have had days where getting out of bed feels like the hardest thing in the world. As corny as it is, I like to look at this photo because it makes me feel hopeful that no matter how dark things seem, there will always be something worth getting out of bed for.

Courtyard full of hope

Title: Courtyard Full Of Hope

Maegen Jarrett, Undergraduate Student

This image was taken during a JUS study tour to Indonesia where my group spent time in a school for refugee students, which was run solely by volunteer refugees. These students and teachers shared with us the adversities they have overcome and currently live with, however a common theme among them was hope. HOPE that someday soon they would be granted the ability for a safe space to live and love. This image shows drawings made by the students from a range of ages who were drawing each other, their HOPES and dreams. One child drew herself next to some UniSA students and mentioned that she hopes one day she can be alongside us in her new homeland. This image remains special to me and ties in perfectly with this year’s theme as a reminder to always hold on to hope.

A glimmer of hope, beyond the darkness

Title: A Glimmer Of Hope, Beyond The Darkness

Kaela Fleming, Undergraduate Student

In life, darkness always surrounds us, it encompasses us and it can be hard to see the glimmer of hope. People always have said “there is a light at the end of a tunnel” this speaks in terms of hard times, difficult moments in life where we search for relief a light and end to that darkness. Here we see darkness, but what is more apparent is the light, it represents life, our souls, and the light that shines within. This light can be shared with others to encourage and give them hope. Our light cannot be consumed by the darkness but the darkness can be consumed by the light. We all face darkness in our lives, but if we are alive our light shines, and we have hope. If we have hope, then no darkness shall overcome our light.

Hope for the hopeless

Title: Hope For The Hopeless

Mark Rawlins, Undergraduate Student

This picture was taken inside a prison in the Philippines. The women in this photo all had varied sentences the minimum sentence was 6 years. One lady had been held without charge for nearly two years. This image was taken on a mission's outreach trip to the Philippines.

None of the women have visitors and we were providing clothes and food, it was most unusual for the guards to open the cells but as you can see what a little bit of love and hope can bring a smile.

Light after Darkness

Title: Light After Darkness

Bianca Singh, Undergraduate Student

Hope is a feeling of expectation and a desire for specific things to happen. The power of hope is strong because it is the first thing desired, but it is also the last thing ever lost. This picture I took in the Central West of NSW in 2021, reminds me of the Indigenous flag because of the dark setting sky, the sunset, and the red dirt. I have hope that the Indigenous communities of Australia hold a hope regarding racism, injustices, and their over representation status in our Australian criminal justice system. Hope, just like the Indigenous flag, is being able to see that there is a light despite all the darkness.

Behind The Mountains

Title: Behind The Mountains

Sandrine De Araujo, Postgraduate Student

The pathway to achieve a sense of self, actualization can be seen as he's our, like climbing a mountain, before reaching the light.