
Your Student




What Experience Do I Need To Be A Mentor?

Generally, we consider mentors who have at least 3 years work experience in the field of their studies or a related business discipline. However, alumni who have recently completed a graduate entry program for 1-2 years can be very supportive for students wanting to understand their options with regards to these programs, the eligibility and application process and employer expectations.


How Do I Apply To Be A Mentor?

While the registration period is open (usually between January - March) you can visit the Mentor Program Portal and complete the online registration form. When the registration period is closed you can express your interest to participate in the coming year by emailing the Business Career Mentor Team


What Is My Commitment To The Program?

As a minimum you are required to meet with your mentee for 6 x 1 hour meetings between May - November. These meetings can be face to face, via email, phone or Skype, or a combination thereof. It is strongly recommended that you also participate in a training and preparation session either on campus or online. 
Other opportunities include:

  • The Connect networking event
  • A mentor only networking evening
  • A lunch or dinner forum to provide feedback and recommend improvements for the program
  • The end of program recognition event


How Long Does The Program Run For?

May - November.


I Am Retired/Not Currently Employed. Can I Still Be A Mentor?

Yes! Your previous work history as a retiree is extremely valuable. If you are between employment and have an extensive work history we are still very keen to have you as a mentor and will list your most recent position and employer on your profile as ‘former’.


I Do Not Live In Adelaide. Can I Still Be A Mentor?

Yes. We have students who study externally and may be based in a remote area, interstate or overseas.  We allow for mentoring to occur via email, phone and Skype. If you are based interstate or overseas your experience is very important to a student who may be considering relocating upon graduation and to gain an understanding of opportunities and work place culture outside of South Australia.


Your Student

What Is The Student Application Process?

The application process consists of an online application form where students nominate their three preferred mentors and answer three questions:  

  1. Why did you select your three preferred mentors?
  2. What skills/knowledge would you like to develop throughout the program?
  3. Tell us about yourself (interests, hobbies, goals, plans for the future)

Students also partake in an online interview, and successful students proceed to a training and preparation session which includes a goal setting activity.


What Is The Process For Matching Mentors And Mentees?

The strength of the student’s application, the case they have presented for their preferred mentors and their interview performance contribute to the matching process.


What Is My Mentees’s Commitment To The Program?

Mentees agree to:

  • the Program from May - November
  • an online interview
  • a training and preparation session
  • submission of their goals for the program
  • completion of a mentoring agreement
  • attending the Connect networking event
  • a minimum of 6, one hour meetings with their mentor over the course of the program
  • a minimum of 5, 200 word reflections based around your discussions with their mentor


Can I Mentor More Than One Mentee?

Yes. If you would like to mentor more than one mentee, please contact a member of the Business Careers Mentor Program Team.


Does My Mentee Have Insurance Coverage?

The Business Career Mentor Program contract (Mentoring Agreement) includes insurance cover for field trips, site visits and work shadowing for the term of the mentor agreement (until November 30, 2018). If you have any enquiries about insurance and activities for your mentee please contact the Business Careers Mentor Program Team. Mentees are asked to bring the Mentoring Agreement along with them to the first meeting with their mentor for both parties to sign.


My Mentee Has Not Contacted Me. What Action Is Required?

Mentees in the program are aware that it is their responsibility to drive the relationship. As a minimum they are required to contact you to arrange your monthly meetings and then attend that meeting. If you have not had contact with your mentee for over a month please contact the Business Careers Mentor Program Team and a member of the team will follow up with your mentee.


I Am Having Issues With My Mentee. How Do I Manage This?

In the first instance it is encouraged that any issues are attempted to be resolved between each other. Common problems that arise are:

  • Lack of communication
  • Non-attendance for meetings
  • Lack of preparation for meetings

Basic strategies to resolve this include:

  • Setting expectations from the first meeting and establishing mutual agreement on communication (frequency, preferred method etc), meeting attendance (confirmation, punctuality, cancellation requirements etc) and meeting preparation (agendas/questions in advance, recapping from previous meeting, feedback or follow up on activities set between meetings etc) will help to avoid problems arising.  If they do, you are able to refer to your agreement to help remind the student about the expectations
  • Review the ‘Guide to Being a Good Mentor’ sections of the App in your first meeting and discuss how these suggestions will enhance your relationships and meetings.
  • Use an issue that has arisen as a development opportunity. For example, if your student is late for a meeting relate that to a real world situation and the impact it has so they are able to understand why being punctual is important.

If you have tried these suggestions and you are still having issues with your mentee please contact a member of the Business Career Mentor Program Team and discuss. If it is determined that your problem is irreconcilable the relationship can be ended through the ‘no blame’ clause.


Can I Offer My Mentee A Work Experience Opportunity?

Generally yes, however changes to the Fair Work Act have made this more difficult. If you have an opportunity, please contact Fiona Solente on +61 88302 0541 to discuss as paperwork and insurance coverage may be required.


Am I Obliged To Offer My Mentee A Work Experience Opportunity?

No. This is not a requirement of the program


Can I Offer A Mentee, Other Than My Matched Mentee, An Opportunity?

Yes. If it is a basic activity that falls within the insurance coverage of the program eg field trip, site visit, shadowing etc you are able to promote the opportunity to other mentors in the program via the monthly ezines. Please contact the Business Careers Mentor Program Team for more information. If it is a larger project, compliance with the Fair Work Act will need to be considered.  Please contact Fiona Solente  to discuss.


Can I Continue With The Relationship With My Mentee Once The Program Ends?

Yes. You may continue in an informal way that does not require your student to be accepted into the Business Careeers Mentor Program. However, if you and your student feel another year of the formal structure of the program would be beneficial you may be rolled over into the next intake. For this to occur, your student must successfully complete the program which means they must fulfill all of the program requirements (reflections, completed agreement, event attendance, feedback etc)


My Mentee Is Asking About Visa And Migration Issues. How Do I Handle This?

These conversations are difficult and outside the responsibility of the mentor and the University. As a result, advice has been sought to assist you should your student raise these questions:

  1. Refer students to DIBP website
  2. The University International team has provided the following disclaimer for mentors if immigration questions arise with their students: ‘The Business Career Mentor Program participants are not able to provide guidance regarding visa applications and eligibility. Mentors are not able to answer questions regarding visa options, eligibility and application processes. Mentees must consult the DIBP website or a registered MARA agent for any information relating to visa options.’



Am I Making A Difference?

Yes you are. We have collected a range of examples from student reflections that demonstrate how your advice has assisted their development. Please refer to the How You Make A Difference in Mentor Buddy section of this App for more information.


I Would Like To Take A Year Off From The Program. Is This Ok?

Yes. You can be noted as an expression of interest for the following year and when registrations open you will receive information from the team so you are able to participate again.


What Is The Best Way To Provide Feedback For The Program?

  • Attend a forum – register through the Portal
  • Complete the program survey at the conclusion of the program
  • Email Fiona Solente, Senior Consultant - Careers & Alumni


I Am Interested In Other Opportunities With UniSA. Can You Direct Me?

Yes. Please email Fiona Solente to discuss your needs.


Am I Able To Refer A Colleague To The Program?

Yes. If registrations are not open they can be added to the Expression Of Interest register and will be contacted as soon as the program re-opens.


I Will Be Unavailable For A Period Of Time During The Program. How Can I Manage This?

Alternative meeting arrangements can be made – email, phone and Skype options will count as a meeting. If these options are not possible while you are away mentees have one month grace period in their meeting requirements so missing one month is acceptable. 


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