Common Challenges

With any professional relationship challenges can arise. This page covers the most common challenges faced by mentors, includes an overview of how your efforts make a difference and what you can do if it really isn’t working.



Finding time that is mutually suitable can be a challenge.  Conflicting schedules around exam time for students and peak work times for mentors can pose issues when trying to fulfil the meeting requirements.


  1. Establish a meeting schedule in your first meeting that allows for contingencies during busy times for example you may decide to have a Skype or email meeting in one of the months you know will be difficult to commit to and hold a meeting time.
  2. Ask your mentee about their study commitments relating to assignments, exam schedules etc. Encourage them to plan meetings in advance to allow for these busy periods and avoid the need to reschedule or miss a meeting.
  3. Advise your mentee of pre-planned work or personal commitments in the coming months and discuss alternative meeting arrangements (Skype, phone, email) during those periods.
  4. Agree to the rules of cancelling or rescheduling a meeting during your first meeting to ensure that both parties understand their responsibilities and commitment to meeting days and times.




Mentees may be shy or a little intimidated to contact you however, communication is the key to a successful mentoring relationship.


  1. Set some expectations in your first meeting e.g., are you are happy for them to contact you via email to establish a meeting time? Do you expect a meeting confirmation 24 hours prior via phone. Would you like to receive a minimum of 2 progress emails between meetings?




To discuss any of these issues further, please contact:
Fiona Solente
Senior Consultant, Business Careers
+61 8 8302 0541



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