

The information below is to be used as a guide only.


Mentor: Act as a source of information and/or insight into the professional field.
Mentee: Take time to contact and meet mentor, both in the initial stages and on ongoing basis

Mentor: Provide practical busines experiences
Mentee: Articulate areas of concern or interest and receive advice or observe professional practices

Mentor: Recommend career development opportunities for achieving professional goals
Mentee: Explore career opportunity and career development

Mentor: Assist with personal goal setting and planning
Mentee: Think about goals before meeting a mentor and being willing to openly discuss these goals with their mentor; negociating activities in order to obtain goals

Mentor: Assist with specific professional skills including job seeking strategies and resume writing
Mentee: Identify weakness in their knowledge and application of professional skills

Mentor: Listen with an open mid, challenging and encouraging the exploration of ideas
Mentee: Develop a trust relationship and sharing concerns

Mentor: Encourage professional behaviour
Mentee: Explore professional practice

Mentor: Facilitate self-directed learning
Mentee: Embrace learning and exploration with enthusiasm and commitment

Mentor: Provide feedback on observed performance
Mentee: Be willing to listen and when appropriate take advice

Mentor: Advise on effective coping strategies
Mentee: Learn to accept feedback and use it positively

Mentor: Conduct a skills audit to identify areas of strength a opportunity for development
Mentee: Implement mentor suggestions

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