Policy and Procedures


Duty Of Care

Duty of care requires that mentors undertake all resonable steps to ensure the safety mentees. Particpants must behave in an ethical and responsible manner at all times. Anyone who experiences any uncertainty or dicomfort with the mentoring relationship should contact the Business Careers Mentor Program Team immediately.




Insurance/Mentoring Agreement

Your Mentoring Agreement includes insurance cover for field trips, site visits and work shadowing for the term of the Business Careers Mentor Programme.

Fair Work Act

Important Information relating to the Fair Work Act 2009           

  • Work experience opportunities that are project based, extra-curricular and fall into the category of a Work Placement Scheme (unpaid vocational placement) require documentation to be completed to ensure compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009            
  • Implications of the Fair Work Act for UniSA students seeking to undertake voluntary work experience apply.

Safe Meetings

It is recommended that meetings take place in a professional or public environment i.e. the office place or a coffee shop. We discourage meetings at a private address, a nondescript location i.e. a car park, or in a licensed venue, other than a restaurant (e.g. nightclub). Where possible meetings should take place between the hours of 7am and 7pm.

Adherence To Policy

All participants in the program should be aware and abide by the University policies relating to discrimination and harassment.

Students Complaints Resolution (previously called Discrimination and Harrassment Grievance Procedures (Students)

Equal Opportunity

Safety Compliance  

Mentees who have been offered a voluntary work experience opportunity arising from the mentor relationship will be provided with appropriate safety instruction by the Host Organisation covering the following:     

  • to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the health and safety of the Student is not put at risk from work carried out as part of the Host Organisations’ business or undertaking;     
  • to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that it complies with its obligations as a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking in accordance with the Act including but not limited to those obligations set out in section 19;
  • that it will provide and maintain a work environment without risks to the health and safety of the Student;    
  • to provide the Student with a safety induction prior to the commencement of the Placement;
  • to provide all necessary training to the Student to enable him or her to undertake the Placement safely;       
  • to notify UniSA of any injury suffered by the Student while performing the Placement;       
  • to provide any information about health and safety matters which will affect the health and safety of the Student to UniSA within a reasonable time frame as requested by UniSA.

Mentors should be aware of relevant occupational health and safety issues relating to any student visit within their office environment and ensure students are adequately advised or inducted.


All contact details will be kept confidential except those between identified mentor/mentee pairs.

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