Congratulations on making it to the end of Study Period 2! Despite the challenges of the last few months, there are also new experiences that have opened our worlds as we tried new approaches to doing things, so thank you for coming along with us on that journey. We hope you enjoy a well-deserved break and we look forward to connecting with you again in Study Period 5.
In this issue: |
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Urgent assistance during exam time |
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Supporting our students during the COVID-19 pandemic |
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Reflecting on things you’re grateful for |
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UniSA Leadership and Self-Development Programs |
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UniSport Australia Virtual Distance Running Championships |
From the student services |
Urgent assistance during exam time
Do you have any urgent personal issues and require immediate support?
Exam time can be a busy period for our counselling team, so if you need to speak to someone urgently and there are no available appointments, you can contact Campus Central for assistance.
Alternatively, you can call the UniSA Crisis Line on 1300 107 441 or text 0488 884 163. |
Supporting our students during the COVID-19 pandemic
While these uncertain times have been challenging for everyone, we recognise that many students have been particularly affected by the COVID-19 disruptions. In response, UniSA established a $10M Student Hardship Fund in early April to provide financial support to students in financial crisis, and to date we have provided over $7.75M to students via this fund.
SA Government also announced in May 2020 that it would provide $3M to students at UniSA as part of the International Student Support Package (ISSP), demonstrating its continuing commitment to our international student community. Nearly $1.5M from this fund has already been provided to eligible UniSA international students as $500 payments.
Applications to the Student Hardship Fund will be paused temporarily in July, however if you’re an international student you can still seek support via the International Student Support Package if you haven’t already.
We also continue to provide support to students via a number of other services including: •
Free flu vaccinations via the UniSA Health Medical Clinic. • Emergency food/financial support through USASA.
For study questions related to your program, including questions about exams, please contact askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au. If you have any questions or are in severe need of financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact studenthardship.covid19@unisa.edu.au. |
Reflecting on things you’re grateful for
As we’re starting to come out of isolation and return to our daily routine, it is important to notice and reflect on the things we’re thankful for.
There are many benefits to practicing gratitude – this allows us to experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.
Keeping a gratitude journal and regularly writing brief reflections on moments we’re grateful for, no matter how simple they are, can significantly increase wellbeing and life satisfaction.
created a daily gratitude page for you, so just download, print and start writing!
Find out what other students have been grateful for |
“While in isolation I worked on projects I’ve been putting off, so I’ve been growing my own veggies! Here’s a picture of Bok Choy and water spinach from my garden.” – Jagathiswary Renganathan, Bachelor of Nursing |
“Pets and animals are such a good mood enhancer during tough times. Our alpacas Casper and Inferno at our family farm are loving the extra attention we are giving them!” – Tayla Roberts, Bachelor of Health Science (Public Health) |
“We have added a new addition to our family recently – Timmy the Guinea (pig)! My 4-year-old is missing his play dates and park visits, so we’ve given him some responsibility and he’s loving it!” – Kerry Welsford, Bachelor of Nursing (Mount Gambier) |
“I am loving my new set up with all the additions – such a big difference from just stacking my laptop on a bunch of textbooks. A vast improvement!” – Ella Bracci, Masters by Research |
UniSA Leadership and Self-Development Programs
Would you like to become the best version of yourself, to explore what leadership means to you, or simply improve your personal and professional skills?
UniSA offers many opportunities to shape your own unique leadership journey through the following programs:
ASPIRE A self-development program open to all UniSA students, offering a diverse range of workshops offered throughout the year, on campus and online via Zoom.
ILLUMINATE An application-based program designed to offer the opportunity for students to explore key concepts of leadership in a safe, supportive and challenging environment.
LEAD An advanced-level student leadership program offered to exceptional leaders identified through ILLUMINATE.
UniSport Australia Virtual Distance Running Championships
You’re invited to join #TeamUniSA in the UniSport Australia Virtual Distance Running Championships as part of the Gold Coast Virtual Marathon.
From 1-31 July, join people of all ages and abilities from around the world taking part in their chosen distance (5km, 10km, half marathon and marathon) via the Asics Runkeeper App. UniSport Australia will allocate participation points for each entry logged via the App, with results counting towards an overall university point score.
The fastest UniSA female and male in the 5km and 10km running and wheeling categories will also receive a $50 Rebel Sport voucher. Go #TeamUniSA! |
This week's online events |
Networking: how to network effectively |
Career Services Online Workshop Wednesday 24 June, 1.10 pm–2.00 pm |
How to write a winning resume and cover letter |
Career Services Online Workshop Wednesday 24 June, 2.00 pm–3.30 pm |
Need work? Strategies to get you there |
Career Services Online Workshop Thursday 25 June, 10.00 am–11.30 am |
Download the UniSA Smartphone app |