UniSA Career Services knows that sometimes you need quick assistance with career related matters. Thankfully, our drop-in service is here to help UniSA students with:

  • Resumes and cover letters
  • Responding to selection criteria
  • Interview assistance
  • Tips and hints on searching for work and placements

If you have a 10 minute enquiry in relation to any of the areas above, no appointment necessary! Please feel free to drop in to talk to one of our friendly team.

  • City West Campus
    We have a shopfront on the Ground Level of the Jeffrey Smart Building at City West Campus. This service is open from 12.00pm – 3pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Mawson Lakes Campus
    We have a booth open on the Ground Level of the C-Building (Sir Eric Neal Library) at Mawson Lakes Campus, near Campus Central. This service is open from 12:00pm – 3pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Virtual Job Search Support
    For UniSA Online students, regional students or those unable to attend on campus, you can book a brief virtual Career Job Search Support session with one of our team here.

Please note: Our drop-in services are open throughout the year including teaching breaks until 28 November 2025.

If you have any other queries outside business hours, please do not hesitate to contact us by email on careers@unisa.edu.au, or by telephone on 08 8302 7860 and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

Finding Work
If you are seeking work, please visit UniSA CareerHub.

If you have come to this page seeking the online application portal, and have an existing account, please click here. Please be aware that UniSA’s Career Services now advertise all available jobs, internships and volunteering opportunities on UniSA CareerHub, so you would be encouraged to check this website.

Information for UniSA Graduates and Alumni
If you are a graduate of UniSA, and seeking career-related support, please visit Self-Help Career Resources, and Career Advice. If you are seeking employment opportunities, please visit UniSA CareerHub or Finding Work page. Stay connected with the worldwide UniSA alumni network by keeping your details up to date.

Information for Employers
The University of South Australia Career Services team has many partnerships with industry, business and the professions, ensuring that our students are suitably prepared for a fulfilling career. We value these industry partnerships, and as such, we offer you a range of ways to engage with our students and graduates including:

  • Assisting you to advertise job, internship and volunteer opportunities through the University’s free online jobs board, UniSA CareerHub.
  • Distribute opportunities and vacancies via direct email to all enrolled students in our Weekly Careers Email.
  • Facilitating unpaid Work Placement, and Work Integrated Learning opportunities for course credit through our schools, ensuring that students are gaining industry exposure within your work place, related to their degree.
  • Discuss your ideas about how your industry might develop greater partnerships with UniSA and our students/graduates.
  • Giving you the opportunity to present to our students at the annual Careers Expo.
  • Promote off-campus events that you may wish to host to your preferred/relevant student cohort.
  • Provide an opportunity for not-for-profits and other community groups to meet with UniSA students through our annual Volunteering Fair.
  • Facilitate themed weeks of careers events in which you can actively participate.

UniSA Career Services actively collaborates with industry to meet professional expectations and produce graduates equipped with the qualities to succeed in the workplace. We value the interaction between industry and our students, and look forward to working with you to further enhance the employability of our students and graduates.

If you are interested in engaging with UniSA Career Services, we invite you make contact with us on 08 8302 7860, or via email on careers@unisa.edu.au.

Need further assistance?

Contact Campus Central

Your one-stop-shop for student services. UniSA general enquiries: 1300 301 703.