Knowledge is power when trying to secure suitable accommodation. Follow this practical advice to make the experience easier and more successful for you.
UniSA students have priority access to a selection of Scape apartments, located on North Terrace between City West and City East campuses.
Hear about young peoples' experiences in this moving out video. It will help you plan your budget and avoid nasty surprises.
Here is a guide to the cost of living for an average student
Use this handy MoneySmart budget planner to help you calculate your costs. Download the easy-to-use TrackMySPEND app.
Here are some good resources to use when hunting for different types of accommodation. But first of all, save time and effort by clarifying the type of housing best suited to you.
Simply go to our Long-term accommodation page. You will find information about the various providers, as well as tools, such as a map of the accommodation in relation to your campus.
Regularly check
Read what others say about the suburbs of Adelaide.
Beware of false rental advertisements on the internet.
Interested in student accommodation (Residential Colleges, Student Hostels, Student Apartments or Homestay)? Ensure that you are dealing with the genuine property managers. Use contact details on the UniSA Accommodation Services website.
Looking for private rental housing?
Please report scammers to ACCC Scamwatch.
If you want to rent a whole property, such as a house or unit, you will probably be dealing with real estate agents. So, how do you increase your chances of success in a competitive rental market?
Listen to great tips from this real estate agent.
Here are more tips from another agent.
Contact real estate agents in the area where you want to live. Follow up with them regularly. Let them know you are very interested.
Remember to have these important documents ready when attending inspections.
It is advisable to make a good first impression on the agent. Finally, here are 12 top tips on competing in the private rental market. Have you been blacklisted due to previous rental problems? Check TICA.
Note: You do not pay commission as a renter. The real estate agent is paid by the landlord.
Many rental advertisements state "No pets". But responsible pet owners can be very good tenants.
So, if you have a pet, take a look at this helpful advice about how to find and apply for a pet-friendly rental.
Here's an example of a pet application/resume and a pet agreement.
When looking for a suitable rental property, ensure that you inspect the premises carefully.
Take a friend along for a second opinion and support.
Download a copy of the Rental Property Checklist to remind you of what to look out for and ask about. Check the locks on doors and windows, whether there are smoke detectors, the size and type of hot water system, enough working powerpoints and light fittings, etc.
Check for signs of pests or vermin, and anything needing repair. Report the problem to the landlord/agent. If you decide to rent the property, ensure that your lease includes landlord agreement for the repairs to be completed by a specific date.
Consider visiting the area at night, with a friend, to check on street lighting and the general 'feel' of the area.
The bond is refundable at the end of your lease, if you are up to date with your rent payments and have not caused any damage to the rental property.
Normally, the bond may be no more than the cost of four weeks' rent. If the weekly rental is more than $250, then the bond may be up to six weeks' rent. This must be lodged with the Tenancies Branch.
In a Rooming House agreement the maximum permissible bond is the cost of two weeks' rent. Rooming House bonds must be lodged with the Tenancies Branch.
Obtain a receipt immediately, if paying in cash. You can contact the Tenancies Branch to check whether your bond has been lodged.
A lease or tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract, so don't rush into it.
Do not agree to a lease unless you are sure that you understand all the details. If you have any doubts at all, don't feel pressured to sign it or even agree to it verbally. Get independent advice from UniSA Accommodation Services or the Tenancies Branch.
A fixed term lease has a start and end date, and cannot be changed unless both you and the landlord agree to the changes. Here are some important points about different types of leases.
Although a fixed term lease can be assigned to another person who is willing to take over the property, we recommend that you start a new lease instead. With a new lease, you avoid complications regarding liability for damages caused by previous tenants.
Always use written agreements in English. You can download standard Residential Tenancy or Rooming House agreement forms.
If a landlord agrees to improve something in the rental property (eg. paint the walls, install an air-conditioner, replace window locks, etc.) ensure that this is specified in the lease, including the completion date.
Some landlords include water usage in the rent, some don't. Ensure that the details of the arrangement are absolutely clear in the lease. For more specific advice, please refer to the Tenancies Branch fact sheet on water charges.
Obtain and keep a copy of your agreement.
If you are entering a boarder/lodger agreement (owner lives in the same property as you), the tenancies laws may not apply to you. Ensure that you have a written record of your arrangement with the home-owner. This can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes. Download an example of a boarder/lodger occupancy agreement.
Unsure how to choose suitable housemates? Don't know your rights? Here are some tips.
Do you and your future housemates share compatible lifestyles?
Follow these suggestions on how to check out potential housemates, and avoid lots of headaches.
Do you have strict cultural or dietary requirements? Make sure that you discuss these with your potential housemates. If you are a vegetarian, it will be easier to share a kitchen with housemates who share or at least understand your practices. Consider negotiating suitable arrangements with your housemates, such as separate cooking utensils and food storage. The UniSA Rental Database has a category for dietary requirements.
Are you aware of basic share-house legalities? Carefully consider your agreement options
To protect your bond, it is essential that you record the condition of the property immediately after you move in.
Do an entry inspection to record the conditions of the property with your landlord or real estate agent. If possible, do this during the daytime. This will allow you to also view the external features of the property and record the conditions on the inspection sheet.
The landlord is legally obliged to provide the property in a clean and reasonable state. Be sure to record anything that needs to be cleaned or repaired on the inspection sheet. It is wise to add these points to the lease with a completion date, signed by the landlord or agent.
Take photographs of all existing damages and faults. These will be useful if you have a dispute with the landlord regarding damages to the property.
Keep copies of the inspection sheet and photographs.
We recommend arranging homestay through a professional homestay service provider.
Contact the Australian Homestay Network. Remember to apply six weeks before your arrival in Adelaide.
Say G'Day to Homestay is a useful introduction to homestay in Australia.
Adelaide is a bustling multicultural city famous for its wine, food and festivals.
Find the best way to get to UniSA. Explore the right transport options for you.