UniSA Student Mental Health Framework Project


The Project

Latest Updates


Project Team

Student  Consultative Group

Project Steering Group

Get in touch


The University of South Australia is dedicated to helping students achieve positive mental wellbeing. 

Positive mental wellbeing is crucial for success at university. Students with positive mental wellbeing are better able to cope with stress, maintain focus, and manage their emotions effectively. Positive mental wellbeing also supports academic performance and a student's ability to navigate challenges during their academic journey.

UniSA recognises that we can positively and proactively influence the mental wellbeing of our students by continuing to evolve how we approach, normalise and support students in line with their perspectives and experiences.

The UniSA Student Mental Health Framework Project brings together students, student leaders, staff and mental health experts to achieve meaningful and sustainable outcomes for our student community.

The Project

The UniSA Student Mental Health Framework Project will run from 2023 to 2025, continuing our vital efforts to create a university community where students can truly thrive.

The Project’s main focus is to develop a Student Mental Health Framework that clearly outlines the University's commitment to student wellbeing. This Framework will offer guidance on how to prioritise student wellbeing in our day-to-day activities and areas of influence. Plus, the Wellbeing at UniSA webpage will be refreshed, bringing together all mental health services and resources in one easy-to-find spot.

The Project is shaped by student needs and preferences, underpinned by research, and customised to meet the unique requirements of our students.

Ultimately, the Project aims to achieve the following key deliverables:



1. A current state analysis that identifies current student mental health initiatives across the University.


2. A student mental health framework that articulates the University’s ambition and commitment to supporting student mental health.


3. A Draft Action Plan that identifies potential actions that can meaningfully contribute toward positive student mental wellbeing, and a set of Recommendations and Considerations for the longevity of the Project and the future Adelaide University.


 4. A refresh of the Wellbeing at UniSA webpage to create a 'one-stop-shop' that easily connects students and staff with the services and resources available to support student mental health.

Latest Updates

19 October 2023

UniSA prioritises student mental health for academic success. The UniSA Mental Health Framework Project aims to integrate positive mental health across the student journey, enhancing wellbeing and satisfaction. This initiative leverages university expertise and student collaboration to develop a comprehensive framework aligned with the Australian University Mental Health Framework. It will encompass prevention, early intervention, and support strategies.

To shape outcomes, UniSA will engage academic and central units in gathering essential information and conducting a current state analysis of mental health activities that directly or indirectly support student mental wellbeing. Regular updates on the Project's progress will be provided throughout 2024 to stakeholders. Additionally, a dedicated Project webpage will serve as a central source for information and updates.

Together, we are committed to cultivating a mentally healthy environment that supports students in achieving their academic and personal goals.  

If you have any questions about this Project, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Otherwise, you can learn more about the Project and its goals by visiting www.unisa.edu.au/smhf.

Kind regards,

Natasha Boots
Deputy Director: Student Engagement

John Walker
Project Manager


31 January 2024

In October 2023, we introduced the UniSA Student Mental Health Framework Project; a University-wide project that supports the personal and academic growth of all students by integrating good mental health into various facets of the university experience.

This project presents the University with a unique opportunity to proactively shape and enhance the mental health of its student body. This will involve integrating mental health into our student engagement strategies, knowledge creation processes, management of both digital and physical spaces, and overall institutional culture.

If you have any questions about this Project, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Otherwise, you can learn more about the Project and its goals by visiting www.unisa.edu.au/smhf.

Kind regards,

Natasha Boots
Deputy Director: Student Engagement

John Walker
Project Manager


Why is student mental health important?

Good student mental health is crucial for positive outcomes and academic success. Prioritising it enhances productivity, engagement, academic performance, and overall wellbeing. Neglecting mental health, however, leaves students vulnerable to psychosocial challenges, leading to poor learning outcomes, reduced social interaction, and disengagement from studies. As our University faces transformative times, there's a unique opportunity to emphasise student mental health for a better future.

Students shaping outcomes

A Student Consultative Group, comprising 15 diverse undergraduate and postgraduate students, plays a pivotal role in shaping our mental health framework and action plan, ensuring valuable student perspectives drive the Project’s success.

Capitalising on our expertise

We've formed a steering group co-chaired by Natasha Boots and Richard Irons and comprised key academic and central unit leaders as well as external partners such as the University of Adelaide. 

Next steps: A Current State Analysis

The Project Team engaged Deans, program managers, and central unit directors to develop a comprehensive current state analysis on student mental health support. Significant information has been gathered, showcasing ongoing efforts across the University. This analysis aims to reveal support strengths, share best practices, and pinpoint improvement opportunities. Expected completion of the report is mid-2024, with interim findings shared earlier if notable.

5 June 2024

We are pleased to report that we are getting closer to delivering on our project deliverables.

So far, this project has received input from over 85 staff, 15 students, and 2 external partners. A comprehensive current state analysis will soon be published, and a draft of a student mental health framework is currently under review. In parallel, a draft set of actions (identified by students) is also under review, and a 'one-stop-shop' mental wellbeing webpage is in development.

Yes, we are reaching our milestones and are eagerly counting down the days until we can share the completed deliverables with you. In the meantime, below are short and sharp updates on our progress to date.

If you have any questions about this Project, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Otherwise, you can learn more about the Project and its goals by visiting www.unisa.edu.au/smhf.

Kind regards,

Natasha Boots
Deputy Director: Student Engagement

John Walker
Project Manager


Current State Analysis—how is the University doing?

The current state analysis at UniSA highlights the critical importance of student mental health, showcasing over 120 initiatives like the Brekky Bar and curriculum-integrated volunteering. These efforts reflect staff innovation and commitment to wellbeing. The analysis is under review and will be available on the Project webpage in late June.

Student Mental Health Framework—what is it exactly?

The student mental health framework under development prioritises student wellbeing, guiding all staff on integrating mental health support. The framework is built on four evidence-based principles derived from the Australian University Mental Health Framework and encompasses eight domains of student life that support mental health. This framework is currently under review by students and staff, and will be available on the Project webpage in two months.

A ‘one-stop-shop’ mental wellbeing webpage—who’s it for?

Students and staff have noted that finding information on support services and resources involves too many clicks. To address this, we are redeveloping the Wellbeing at UniSA webpage. The new design will simplify access to support services and resources that support overall student wellbeing, with a dedicated page for mental wellbeing. The updated site is set to launch before Study Period 5 2024.

A mental health survey with interesting results

In March 2023, a student mental health survey conducted by the SEU received 215 responses (60% domestic, 29% international, 11% external, 71%  undergraduates, 23% postgraduates, 5% HDR, and 1% from the College). Many students indicated they wouldn't use mental health support services due to self-reliance and privacy concerns. This emphasises the need for ongoing education and the importance of establishing a stigma-free support on-campus and online environments.

FAQ – Students

Students are critical to the development of this Project. As a result, students (see our Student Consultative Group) have been involved in the development of the Framework and the Draft Action Plan. More broadly, students from across the University were invited to participate in a student mental health survey in March 2024.

There are no new opportunities for students to be involved in the Project at present, but when new opportunities become available, students will hear about them through student emails, newsletters, and social media. 

The Project will help create a mentally healthy and inclusive University community where all students can thrive.  

  • Students will have a greater say in activities and initiatives that impact their mental health.
  • Students will be part of a mentally healthy environment that encourages participation in the University community.
  • Students will have the opportunity to flourish personally and academically, leading to better engagement and outcomes.
  • Students will have access to appropriate and timely mental health services and resources all from one webpage.
  • Staff will have a better understanding of how to support students when they need help.

A student mental health framework helps the University openly demonstrate its commitment to student mental health and wellbeing. It also provides a structure for staff at the University to help create supportive and inclusive learning environments. This ultimately helps students thrive and achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals.

Research shows that having good mental health is beneficial to students in various ways:

  • Improves academic performance
  • Fosters healthier relationships with peers and staff
  • Encourages participation in clubs and social events
  • Increases coping skills and resilience
  • Enhances overall wellbeing, including physical and emotional health

Ultimately, good mental health is critical for students to thrive and enjoy their academic journey.

The University's student support services do a great job with providing mental wellbeing support for students. This Project aims to pinpoint areas where we can enhance student support, and emphasises that taking care of student mental wellbeing is everyone's responsibility. If everyone pitches in, we can establish an even more supportive environment that prioritises and values positive student mental wellbeing.

We have set up regular updates on the Project's progress throughout 2024 and 2025. You can expect to receive these updates in UniSA's Student Life e-newsletter, USASA e-newsletter, UniSA social media, and this webpage. Additionally, feel free to reach out if you have any feedback or questions by getting in touch.

FAQ – Staff

UniSA is dedicated to enhancing student mental wellbeing. Like all universities, UniSA has a responsibility to ensure a supportive environment for student mental wellbeing. It's essential to recognise that positive mental wellbeing not only benefits students personally, but also enhances their learning, productivity, and overall engagement.

The University's student support services do a great job with providing mental health support for students. This Project aims to pinpoint areas where we can enhance student support, and emphasises that taking care of student mental health is everyone's responsibility. If everyone pitches in, we can establish an even more supportive environment that prioritises and values positive student mental wellbeing.

The Project will help create a mentally healthy and inclusive University community where all students can thrive.  

  • Students will have a greater say in activities and initiatives that impact their mental health.
  • Students will be part of a mentally healthy environment that encourages participation in the University community.
  • Students will have the opportunity to flourish personally and academically, leading to better engagement and outcomes.
  • Students will have access to appropriate and timely mental health services and resources all from one webpage.
  • You will have a better understanding of how to support students when they need help.

All University staff have a responsibility to support students with their mental health. An outcome of the Project is to help staff understand how they can support student mental health in their roles, and to increase awareness of the various services and resources available to staff for supporting students.

A key deliverable of this Project is the UniSA Student Mental Health Framework, and it will help guide staff—both professional and academic—by illustrating how they can integrate and support student mental wellbeing within their work.

We've scheduled regular updates on the Project's progress throughout 2024 and 2025. You'll find these updates in Academic Unit e-newsletters, UniSA staff announcements, and on this webpage. Some staff will also get updates directly via email. If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to reach out by getting in touch.

The Project Team

The UniSA Student Mental Health Framework Project team includes:

Natasha Boots Headshot 2020.jpg

Natasha Boots

Deputy Director: Student Engagement, Student Engagement Unit

Rowena Kidd Headshot 2020.jpg

Rowena Kidd

Triage Counsellor,
Student Engagement Unit

John Walker - Headshot.jpg

John Walker

Project Manager,
Student Engagement Unit

Student Consultative Group

The Student Consultative Group consists of student volunteers who actively contribute towards the development of the framework, and key actions and recommendations.

  • Alex Reynolds, UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance (UG)
  • Amanda Balmer, UniSA Clinical Health Sciences (UG)
  • Anisha Mahamad Rafik Sama, UniSA Business (PG)
  • Avneet Hunjan, UniSA Justice & Society (UG)
  • Bailey Hart, UniSA Justice & Society (UG)
  • Chloe Cameron, UniSA Justice & Society (UG)
  • Elise Cox, UniSA Creative (UG)
  • Georgia Deane, UniSA Justice & Society and Student Chair (UG)
  • Jess Kidner, UniSA Online (UG)
  • Meg Peartree, UniSA Business (UG)
  • Raine Baljak, UniSA Clinical Health Sciences (UG)
  • Riya Mahajan, UniSA Creative (PG)
  • Rhys Peden, UniSA Justice & Society (UG)
  • Tamanna Bakhtyari, UniSA Justice & Society (UG)

Click on the link to view the Group's Terms of Reference.

Project Steering Group

The Steering Group is responsible for providing strategic advice, guidance and support for the development of the Project.

Natasha Boots Headshot 2020.jpg

Natasha Boots

Deputy Director: Student Engagement, Student Engagement Unit

Richard Irons - Headshot.jpg

Richard Irons

Registrar and Director,
Student Academic Services

John Walker - Headshot.jpg

John Walker

Executive Officer
Project Manager,
Student Engagement Unit


Georgia Deane

Chair of Student Consultative Group
UniSA Justice & Society

Rowena Kidd Headshot 2020.jpg

Rowena Kidd

Triage Counsellor,
Student Engagement Unit

Lindsay Sportmann.jpg

Lindsay Sportmann

Consultant: Safety and Wellbeing
People, Talent & Culture




Esther May

Pro Vice Chancellor: Teaching & Learning
Chancellery and Council Services

Amanda Hutchinson.jpg

Amanda Hutchinson

Associate Professor in Psychology (Clinical) and Professorial Lead (Research Education)
UniSA Justice & Society

Jodie George.jpg

Jodie George

Associate Dean: UniSA Online
UniSA Online


Rhys Peden.jpg

 Rhys Peden

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Representative
University of South Australia Student Association (USASA)

Adrian George

Manager: UniSA Sport
UniSA Sport

Silvia Pignata.jpg

Silvia Pignata

Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Aviation (Human Factors)


Natasha Boots Headshot 2020.jpg

Lee Martinez

Rural Health Academic: Mental Health
UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance

Leeanne D’arville

SAIBT & CELUSA Counsellor
South Australian Institute of Business and Technology

Natasha Schranz

Manager, Mental Health Programs
Wellbeing SA – Mental Health and Wellbeing Directorate

Jacqui Faliszewski

Student Wellbeing Project Officer
Student Wellbeing and Access, University of Adelaide

UniSA SMHF Contact 666x533.png

Get in Touch

Have any feedback on the UniSA Student Mental Health Framework Project or would like to ask a question? Click the button below.