The Men's Table @ UniSA

The University of South Australia has partnered with The Men’s Table to connect male students in groups of like-minded men within the UniSA student community.

The Men’s Table is a safe place to have honest conversations and offer peer support. It’s about healthy men, healthy masculinities, and a healthy student community at UniSA.

Each Table is a confidential and non-judgemental place where each member can share their experiences and how they feel about them, listen to one another and create deeper connections with peers. This creates a sense of belonging, camaraderie and connection.

If you are interested in forging meaningful friendships with like-minded male students at UniSA, attend an Entrée event to learn more about The Men’s Table and experience how a Table works in a relaxed and conversational setting to see if it’s for you. Entrées will be hosted by two men from existing Tables who will share their experiences and respond to your questions.

There is no pressure or obligation to join a Table after attending an Entrée.

Upcoming Entrée:

Tuesday 1 April 2025
6:30pm – 9:00pm
City West campus
Food and drinks will be provided.


Wednesday 2 April 2025
3:00pm – 5:30pm
Mawson Lakes campus
Food and drinks will be provided.


The Men’s Table (TMT) is a not-for-profit organisation that started in 2011 in Sydney with a small group of men who began meeting once a month to talk, laugh and share what was going on in their lives.

In the years since, TMT has grown to more than 220 Tables and more than 2000 members across Australia. Members develop meaningful friendships with their fellow Table members based on trust and acceptance of each other.

In 2024, UniSA and TMT teamed up to introduce TMT's program to UniSA's male students. We’re collaborating to create a space where men can come together to support each other in a confidential and non-judgmental environment.

A Table is a group of up to 12 men who agree to meet for dinner once a month. Each Table will be hosted in a private room on campus, and a light meal and some soft drinks will be served.

During each Table meeting, everyone can share the ups and downs of their personal life, listen to and support their Table mates, or chat about things related to the masculine experience. Men gain a great deal from sharing and hearing other men’s experiences of life. 

Conversations should be meaningful and not just surface-level, and they shouldn’t cover politics, religion or academic subjects (unless it ties directly to your own experiences and feelings). Men share from their own experience, speaking for themselves. We avoid prophesising and generalisation.

Simply put: Not just footy and sh*t – go beyond banter.

Confidentiality is important and it is up to each man to decide if he shares during an evening. As men share, they are listened to and accepted; questions are generally not asked, unless the man explicitly says he would like input or advice at the end. 

As this is a pilot program, only two Tables will be set up in 2025, with a maximum of 12 men per Table. Membership will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Any men who are not allocated a seat at a UniSA Table will be put on a waiting list and contacted if a seat opens up. Alternatively, you’re welcome to reach out to The Men's Table to join one of the many community Tables around Adelaide.

There is no single ‘right’ reason to join a Table.

Some students may join a Table to:

  • Forge friendships and connections
  • Fight isolation and loneliness
  • Get support through grief and loss
  • Combat academic or financial stress
  • Share openly about family issues or any other personal struggles

Navigating life can be tough if you do it alone.

The first step towards a Table can be pretty nerve-wracking and it definitely takes some courage. If you're feeling hesitant, you're not alone! Feel free to reach out and ask us any questions or register to attend a no-obligation Entrée event to see if TMT is the right fit for you.

The Men’s Table pilot program is open to all UniSA students who are currently enrolled and identify as men.

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

One night a month. That’s it.

But remember, you’ll be part of a committed group of men. It’s one night a month, but also a personal commitment to your fellow Table mates for as long as they remain at UniSA.

The first step to joining a Table is to attend an Entrée, where you’ll learn more about TMT and experience how a Table works in a relaxed and conversational setting to see if it’s for you.

There is no pressure or obligation to join a Table after attending an Entrée.

The next Entrée will be held on:

Tuesday 1 April 2025
6:30pm – 9:00pm
City West campus
Food and drinks will be provided.


Wednesday 2 April 2025
3:00pm – 5:30pm
Mawson Lakes campus
Food and drinks will be provided.