What happens during reading time in exams?

Reading time commences at the published exam start time and is 10 minutes in duration for all exams. 

During reading time, students may:

  • Read the exam question paper
  • Complete student details on the required attendance form(s) and any answer booklets issued
  • Make notes on the given scribble/scrap paper
  • Annotate* the exam question paper (only in the case where the exam question paper is not also the answer paper)
    *Annotation may include highlighting and underlining.  It does not allow for Post It notes to be used.
  • Open permitted books if it is an open book or part open book exam

During reading time, students are not allowed to:

  • Make any annotations* in an answer booklet, on a multiple choice answer sheet, or the exam question paper if it is also where answers are to be written
    |* in a part open book exam, any allowed reference books are not to be annotated, including the use of Post It notes
  • Use their calculator
  • Get up from their desk
  • Lend or borrow items from other students (this is applicable for the duration of the exam)