I have a permanent or temporary disability and may require special examination arrangements, what should I do?

*This question is specific to OUA students only*

The University of South Australia will consider special arrangements for end of study period exams and during study period supervised assessments for students with disabilities. Such arrangements may include the granting of extra time, use of a scribe or reading to audio tape.

To arrange an Alternative Exam Agreement please contact a Disability Adviser at the Learning Connection Disability Service to develop a Disability Access Plan:

Disability Adviser
Phone: +61 08 8302 4736 or 1300 656 377
Email: disability@unisa.edu.au.

As you must submit your access plan to the Examinations and Results team by the end of week 8, it is important to contact the disability adviser early in the study period. Please visit the Student Engagement Unit website for further information and resources on Disability Services.