5. Payment: once-off and ongoing

Once you accept the scholarship offer, you will be prompted to enter your bank account details.  The bank account that you enter is where the scholarship funds will be deposited.

Payment of the scholarship is made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and you will receive a remittance advice from UniSA when the transaction has been processed.

There are two payment categories that scholarship recipients may fall under, depending on the terms of the scholarship:

1. Once-off

A scholarship awardee may receive a once-off payment of a pre-determined amount.  This amount may be paid in instalments across the year. 

2. Ongoing (or Continuing)

A scholarship awardee may receive a scholarship that offers pre-determined financial assistance across multiple years throughout the student’s tenure at UniSA.  This amount may be paid in instalments across the year.

Payment for Once-off scholarship recipients is within 8 weeks after either the closing date of the scholarship OR the relevant Study Period census date and once specific conditions of the scholarship have been met.

Payment for Ongoing scholarship recipients is within 8 weeks after either the relevant Study Period census date OR the relevant Study Period result release date and once specific conditions of the scholarship have been met.