
ResourcesResearch and transferrable skills development and training activities

UniSAEDGE is the institution-wide approach to PhD skills development at UniSA. Through EDGE, all HDR candidates have access to a range of training and development activities to help them attain research and transferrable skills throughout candidature.

Candidates access development opportunities provided by training specialists across UniSA through our online one-stop-shop, EDGEx.

EDGE activities support candidates to successfully complete their research degrees on time and with excellent examination outcomes.


The University provides University fundedCommonwealth funded and externally funded scholarships for domestic and international research degree students.

Academics are also encouraged to seek their own funding to support research degree students and there is information available on how to establish your own scholarship UniSA Staff Logon Required on the University’s website, or you can contact the Graduate Research team if you have any questions about how to do this.


The majority of forms related to management of research degrees students can be access via the Forms and guidelines for research degree students webpage.

Other helpful forms are available here.

Forms specific to scholarships are available on the on the Main Competitive Scholarship Rounds page.

While forms can seem like an administrative burden, they are essential to ensuring student records are current and accurate.

Key policy documents for research degree students and their supervisors