To guide you through the contracting process, we have created an overarching workflow.
The contract workflow provides the steps from the point of contract request, assesment of who will be leading the contract development, negotiation, signatory briefing, document storage, project handover and notifying key stakeholders.
First step will be to complete the Straight Through Process (STP) Assessment to understand who will be required to lead the contract development.
You can download a copy of the workflow here Contracts Workflow
The STP assessment process will enable you to triage your contracting request to the relevant unit based on certain set criteria like who is leading the development of the contract, identifying if it is research and further due diligence.
You can download a copy of the STP process here Straight Through Process Assessment
Once you have identified that your contract is a 'research contract', you need to perform due diligence, which will inform the further steps in the process.
Please use the due diligence checklist to identify if the contract will be managed by UniSA Research Office or the Academic Unit.
You can download a copy of the checklist here Due Diligence Checklist
For further guidance in the process, please read the process narrative.
You can download a copy of the process narrative here Process Narrative
After STP assessment, If it is assessed that the Academic or Central Unit will be leading the Contract development, below are the required activities the the respective AU or CU will need to complete.
You can download a copy of the workflow here Contracts Workflow
Selecting Contract Template: The standard Contract Templates are available here. If you are unsure which template to use for your contract please email the contract team via the contracts request form, they will assist you in recomending the suitable template to use. please note, provide RMID if available, and any information about the activitiy you are doing as this will help them to advise you correctly.
Creating Record In Contracts Module : To create a record in MyRM, you can refer to the Contracts Repository User Manual. A video for detailed information on how to create the record is available here. Contract Module Video
Negotiation : Negotiation process will be carried out by the designated Academic unit person. Key point to remember in the process is, if there is a change in standard terms and conditions, the contract will need to be sent to the Contracts team to manage via the Contracts Request Form.
Signatory Briefing: For contract execution, the designated person within the Academic Unit, will use the briefing template to brief the signatory and attach all relevant documents to the email. Signatory briefing template attached here Signatory briefing template
Document Storage: Once the contract has been fully executed, all documents (Contract, key emails, any attachments) will need to be uploaded to the Contracts Module in MyRM. User manual and video support is available above, under 'Creating a record in Contracts Module'.
Project Handover and Notifying key stakeholders: The AU or CU designated person will hand over the project to post award team by providing the below information to the key stakeholders :
1) An email to Research Grant Management : to add milestones in RM for project reporting, invoices, and others)
2) An email to RIS-Research Information (to activate the cost-centre) by advising them of the project, RM record number, and any other information that may be pertinent in their management of the project.
3) A copy of the above information to research coorindators on