What is Orientation

Orientation is your first day of university, just one week before your official classes begin. Tailored to the program you’ve been accepted and enrolled in to study, your schedule will take you through program specific activities—like tours, info sessions, and/or current student panels—that have all been designed to give you everything you need to know ready for a smooth start into uni life.


Why should I attend my Orientation day?

  • Setting the study expectations
    At Orientation you’ll get an essential introduction to your program – details of:
    > what you will be studying;
    > attendance and assessment;
    > the structure of tutorials, workshops, and exams; and
    > the outlook of what your program and courses will ultimately help you achieve.

    The teaching staff will also share the expectations of that industry/field, plus you'll get advice from current students (who were in your shoes once!) to help you hit the ground running from day one, ace your courses and get the most out of your time and life at uni.

  • Meeting the people
    Making connections now with the other students you’re studying with, your lecturers and tutors, and the other university staff and volunteers that will be there to guide you throughout your study will set you up with a sweet support system and web of connections to help you experience university life to the fullest.

  • Finding your way to and around campus
    UniSA has 4 metro campuses and 2 regional campuses so it’s important to wrap your head around where you’re going. Orientation is the best time and opportunity to: figure out how you’re going to get there, explore your new surroundings, visit the facilities that will be relevant to you, and maybe get lost in the process. This will save any stress that might have otherwise come on your first day of class.

What do I need to bring?

  • Your Student ID Card – you’ll need it to scan in at registration.
    Once you have enrolled, you can go to myID to upload a picture and order your ID Card, which you can then collect at your home campus. Alternatively, you can scan in using the barcode in your UniSA App (get it on the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Windows Store).

  • Your own refillable water bottle
    A lunch voucher will be provided at registration, which you can redeem at a variety of on-campus vendors at our metro campuses, but bring your own water bottle to fill up at the chilled water fountains on campus (plus any snacks to keep you going throughout the day).