Where To Get Help

Within UniSA
The University’s counselling service is available to discuss any concerns you might have about the impacts of alcohol in your life or your studies. Getting professional help can assist you to work out if alcohol is an emerging problem or a longstanding issue for you or someone close to you.
Counselling can help you by giving you a new perspective on:
- Your pattern of alcohol use
- How alcohol is affecting your life and studies
- Strategies to reduce drinking
- If necessary, coordinate a referral to specialist services
Outside UniSA
- Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) provides state-wide drug and alcohol treatment and other services.
- Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is a confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service available to from 8.30 am–10.00 pm on 1300 13 13 40. More information is available from Know Your Options.