Zoom: Overview

Zoom logo: 2D video camera iconZoom: Overview

Zoom is an interactive tool, which allows a range of communication modes, including video, audio, text and non-verbal.  Zoom also allows recording of sessions.  UniSA Zoom is available to all UniSA staff and students.
It is commonly used for:
  • One-on-one meetings.
  • Meetings between teaching staff and groups of students.
  • Student to student meetings.
  • Interactive and co-presented sessions.

Zoom is a flexible tool and can be adapted to present a range of interactive sessions, both live, and if recorded, for later review.

You can log in to the UniSA Zoom portal at unisa.zoom.us/signin with your UniSA username and password.  You can also set up Zoom session directly in learnonline which provides a range of benefits including adding recordings automatically to the course site, providing authenticated access to students enrolled in the course, providing attendance list(s) and applying security settings.

Zoom provides comprehensive support resources to get you started on Windows or Mac desktops.


About Zoom at UniSA

Sessions can be scheduled from within learnonline. If configured correctly, these recordings are automatically added to the course folder for students to access. See the resource:

There are tools in Zoom designed to be used for teaching and learning. There are a range of interactions available from the simple non-verbal tools, such as thumbs up in the toolbar to Advanced Polls and Breakout Rooms. As with most features in Zoom, it is worth checking they are enabled in your settings prior to a session.

See the resources below to learn more about the interactive features in Zoom:

Zoom Recordings at UniSA

Staff Zoom recordings are automatically moved to Panopto and accessed in learnonline through a Zoom folder. Ad-hock videos from Zoom can also be added to learnonline via Panopto. For more about recordings see the help resource,Zoom: Record.

Zoom for Students

Students have access to create and host Zoom sessions. Zoom can be used as a tool for collaborating with peers or recording a presentation. Student Zoom recordings are stored in the Zoom Cloud for 60 days. 
There are a series of help resources available for students. Zoom: Start Guide for Students.

More About Zoom

View the related questions below or search the resources in the Zoom topic list.  Contact the TIU for advice on engaging students in a Zoom session.
