Computers on Campus

The University provides the following types of rooms for computer usage:

Room Type


Adaptive Technology Suites (ATS)

Provides specific hardware and software for students with disabilities. More details are available from the Assistive Technology page.

Computer Barn

Access to core software and provides printing facilities in a more casual setting uninterrupted by class sessions.

Collaborative Teaching Spaces (CTS)

Provides room and technology to support group collaboration

General Purpose Computing Pools

Provides a wide range of software with priority given to booked classes for UniSA courses

Special Purpose Computing Pools

Provided by Academic Units, with possible restrictions to certain students. These rooms will require Student ID card access to enter them, allowing only students that are part of the relevant Academic Unit entry.

Walk-up PCs and Wheelchair Accessible Walk-up PCs

Provides consistent and convenient short-term access to web and email but generally have no access to printing except for in Campus Central