The University of South Australia is committed to ensuring that all staff and students have access to information about their rights and responsibilities in relation to contacting external agencies regarding employment or study arrangements.
The following information provides contact details for the various external organisations that UniSA staff and students can go to for information, advice and assistance, particularly if they feel that their rights may have been breached. Note that external agencies may have specific requirements about the lodgement of complaints and may have restrictions on the types of complaints that they can investigate.
The National Student Ombudsman (NSO) provide accessible, safe and confidential services for all students, offering multiple channels for submitting a complaint, including an anonymous report option. The NSO can help where a student is dissatisfied with how their higher education provider handled a complaint, believes a decision was made in error or that the higher education provider has acted unfairly.
The NSO can also provide information and advice.
Information about National Student Ombudsman can be found on their website or by contacting them on:
Complaint Online form
Contact Number 1300 395 775 Mon- Fri 10am to 4pm
Adelaide Office - Level 11, 25 Grenfell Street
National Student Ombudsman
GPO Box 442
Canberra ACT 2601
International enquiries For enquiries made from outside of Australia +61 2 5117 3600.
The Ombudsman SA Office deals with complaints about South Australian state and local government, and South Australian universities. The appropriate external complaints body for international student visa holders is generally the Ombudsman SA.
Information about the Ombudsman SA Office can be found on their website or by contacting them on:
Phone (08) 8226 8699
Toll Free 1800 182 150
Fax (08) 8226 8602
The EOC is responsible for the implementation of the two pieces of South Australian equal opportunity legislation and for assisting people who believe that they have been unlawfully discriminated against under this legislation.
Information about the Equal Opportunity Commission can be found on their website or by contacting them on:
Phone: (08) 8207 1977
Fax: (08) 8207 2090
Freecall: 1800 188 163
AHRC is responsible for the implementation of federal human rights and anti-discrimination law in Australia. The Commission administers five federal laws that cover discrimination and breaches of human rights.
Information about AHRC can be found on their web site or by contacting them on:
Phone: (02) 9284 9600
National Information Service: 1300 656 419
General enquiries: 1300 369 711
TTY: 1800 620 241
Fax: (02) 9284 9611
Certain decisions made by the University under Commonwealth Legislation may also be subject to review and reconsideration by the Administrative Review Tribunal In particular, this includes decisions made under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 not to refund student contribution amounts paid, re-credit Student Learning Entitlement consumed, or remit HELP debts when a student withdraws from a course after the Census Date (see University policy on Student Fees).
Information on how to refer a complaint to the Administrative Review Tribunal may be found at or by contacting them on:
Phone: 1800 228 333
South Australian office:
The Fair Work Ombudsman is an independent statutory office. The Fair Work Ombudsman’s jurisdiction is set out in the Fair Work Act 2009 and their services are free to all workers and employers in Australia.
The main role of the Fair Work Ombudsman is to:
Phone: 13 13 94
The Commission is Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal. It was established by the Fair Work Act 2009 (Fair Work Act) and is responsible for administering the provisions of the Fair Work Act.
Phone: 1300 799 675 within Australia
+61 293 081 808 overseas
The South Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET) is South Australia’s forum for resolving workplace-related disputes and issues. SAET:
Phone: 8207 0999
SafeWork SA is responsible for administering and enforcing industrial relations and occupational health, safety and welfare legislation in our State (including some administrative functions previously managed by WorkCover).
Emergency number: 1800 777 209 (24 hour service)
Phone: 1300 365 255
ReturnToWorkSA is responsible for providing work injury insurance and regulating the South Australian Return to Work scheme.
This insurance protection provides financial support to cover worker wages, reasonable medical treatment and return to work services to people who have been injured at work.
Phone: 13 18 55
NTEU is a specialist national union solely representing staff in tertiary education. In all Australian universities, NTEU represents academic and research staff, general staff, ELICOS teachers, and staff of Student Unions and university companies.
Phone (08) 8227 2384
The CPSU (PSU Group) is one of the most active and innovative unions in Australia. CPSU (PSU Group) membership is open to employees in a wide range of industries including the public sector, telecommunications, call centres, employment services, commercial broadcasting, the aviation industry and science and research.
Phone 1300 137 636