As Australia’s University of Enterprise, UniSA is deeply committed to developing a diverse and high performing enterprising culture in which talented people thrive. That commitment has remained to the fore as we contemplate the next phase of our strategic ambition. We are offering this leadership initiative to assist our leaders to evolve their leadership practices in response to the challenges and opportunities that inevitably arise as we pursue our aspirations.
Leadership Discovery is a 5 to 6 month program co-designed with UniSA colleagues to provide a highly practical learning experience to strengthen leadership capability. Leadership Discovery includes impactful workshops, Hogan’s assessment, external coaching, access to a broad range of leadership resources, an opportunity to work with colleagues across the University and to hear and learn from some of UniSA's outstanding leaders across the University.
Leadership Discovery is open to:
Ideally staff will be considered to join our cohort in 2024 if they:
The program will occur over a 5 to 6 month period and consist of 5 workshops spread across 5 and a half business days. In addition to these workshops, and to ensure participants gain the full experience, they will be asked to undertake a Hogan’s Assessment and attend up to three coaching sessions with a qualified coach from the UniSA external coaching panel to work through their feedback.
It is important that potential participants can attend all required learning elements prior to application. Line managers will also need to support this commitment. In 2024 there are two cohorts available. The proposed session dates for Leadership Discovery in 2024 are:
Cohort 1:
Optional recommended activities to build effective internal networks between participants will be encouraged (accountability buddies) and a range of self-paced learning activities will be available on the Leadership Discovery Portal.
This chapter consists of two consecutive days which launches the full Leadership Discovery, defines leadership at UniSA and builds participant self-awareness of their leadership impact.
Topics include:
Enhances participant’s ability to diagnose individual capability and motivation, and how a person’s leadership approach can deliver optimal performance. This session also explores how to navigate difficult conversations and provide feedback that builds individual motivation, capabilities, and builds a positive platform for change.
Topics include:
This chapter focuses on the strategies to enhance team performance and leverage the power of any team, regardless of location and size.
Topics Include:
This chapter has two specific focus areas: building strong enterprising trusted relationships and practicing agility. By exploring how to utilise and apply network maps, political navigation, critical thinking and dynamic problem solving, participants will be enabled as enterprising future focused role models.
Topics Include:
This final half day session enables participants to share their personal reflections as a leader at UniSA during the program, personal discovery highlights and opportunities for growth. These reflections will be shared with the immediate line manager and members of ELT during a formal program close celebration.
Topics Include:
Nominations for 2024 are now CLOSED.
Staff members can self-nominate or be nominated by their supervisor or other senior staff member. A supporting statement from the relevant senior line manager is a prerequisite for nomination.
How will cohorts be established?
The selection criteria for program participants will be dependent on:
For additional details regarding our Leadership Discovery program, we invite you to reach out to our team at