UniMentors are current students who offer a friendly face while providing ongoing support to new students, helping to make the transition to university easier.
If you have any questions about the UniMentor program, please contact unisamentors@unisa.edu.au.
Aurora is studying a Master of Architecture. 📚
Aurora is a surfer and loves painting. 🏄🎨
The reason Aurora loves being a UniMentor is because she enjoys helping people. Aurora wants to help new students adapt to the new university life and build a sense of belonging to UniSA. 🙌
Hyla is studying a Bachelor of Software Engineering. 💻
Whilst Hyla enjoys programming, they also have a strong interest in media and content creation (even having their own YouTube channel and Twitch streams). 💭
Hyla loves being a UniMentor because you get to meet so many new faces throughout the program and you get to help students through their new university life. 🙌
Julia is studying a Bachelor of Business (Design and Marketing). 📚
Cooking is Julia’s favourite hobby, and she LOVES pasta. 🍝
Julia loves being able to help where she can so getting to help new students when they need it is a great experience. She values kindness quite highly and so figured the UniMentor program falls into this category. She has also enjoyed getting to know other UniMentors this semester and have made some new friends through this program. ✨
Sasha is studying a Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine (Honours), chosen due to an obsession with Sherlock Holmes! 🧫🔍 Sasha finds it fascinating how the author would analyse and come up with laboratory procedures that weren't invented during that time to solve a case. 🔬
One of Sasha’s hobbies is crocheting organs, “because I can't collect/store the real ones.” 😅
Sasha loves being a UniMentor because “I am able to challenge myself and develop my skills even further while also meeting new people from whom I can learn and discover new knowledge”. Being a UniMentor is a great way to meet new people, and connect with others in your degree, regardless of year level. ✨