Did you know about the support available in the wider community for a range of situations?
HousingSA may be able to help you with the bond for a rental property. Register online for HousingSA's PR Connect or complete an application form and lodge your documents with HousingSA. Assistance with the advance rent may also be available.
Rent assistance is available to people receiving some Centrelink payments.
Trying to manage your money better? Take a look at the handy budget planner on the Moneysmart website.
Free tenancies advice and support for renters, including in languages other than English.
91 Grenfell Street, Adelaide Ph: 131 882
SACAT deals with housing disputes in relation to residential tenancy and rooming house agreements. The service is free for full-time students.
Note: SACAT does not deal with boarder or lodger disputes.
TIAS provides free and independent information, advice and advocacy for people on low incomes. Ph: 1800 060 462
UniSA's Legal Advice Clinic and the Legal Helpline Ph: 1300 366 424 provide free legal advice.
A free online service connecting you with the closest place to get help and advice if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Download the Pickle App.
Help if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Range of practical services tailored for each individual's circumstances and housing needs.
Practical advice and support for young people aged 15 - 25 years who are looking for suitable housing. Direct referrals to emergency and long term youth specific accommodation. Visit Trace-a-Place for more details. 135 - 139 Currie Street, Adelaide. Ph: 1300 306 046
Advice and referrals to Aboriginal hostels. Ph: +61 8 8346 9417
Provides help and emergency accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence. Ph: +61 8152 9260
Overnight emergency service. Telephone counselling, crisis assessment and referral to longer term support agencies. Ph: 131 611
Adelaide is a bustling multicultural city famous for its wine, food and festivals.
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