How can Studiosity help me?

When you get stuck during study, there is a real-life help only a click away to get you back on track. Log in to Studiosity to get immediate help with a study question, or get help with your writing in less than 24 hours.

In the Connect Live ‘online classroom’, you can chat with the adviser, draw graphs or write equations onto the interactive graph paper or upload a file for discussion.

You can also log in any time to Writing Feedback for help with English, writing and referencing in less than 24 hours.


How much does it cost?

Studiosity is FREE for for UniSA students.


Who are the advisers?

The advisers are Australian teachers or experts in a specific study area, located across the country. They go through stringent checks with the highest standards, to make sure only the best are allowed in the Studiosity network of advisers.


Will the advisers give me the answer?

No, the advisers won’t give you a straight up answer. They will work with you to help you figure out the problem and think for yourself.


Why can't I submit more than 3,000 words? 

Studiosity is not an assignment checking service. Advisers can provide comments on a portion of your writing and you should use this feedback to develop your writing skills. 


What happens if I use all of my allocation in the 6-month period?

If you've used your allocation for the 6-month period, you will need to wait until the next 6-month period to access the service again.


How do I access Studiosity?

You log in to Studiosity via your course Learnonline site in the Course Essentials block, using your UniSA log on.


For more information about Studiosity, go to

If you have any questions regarding the Studiosity service, contact UniSA’s student support services through Campus Central or

Log in to Studiosity today and aim for better results. Your future self will thank you.