Academic Strategy, Standards and Quality Committee (ASSQC)

Terms of reference

Approved by Academic Board - 28 June 2024

To recommend to Academic Board approval of new coursework programs and amendments to existing coursework programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on the basis of: 

  • the identified program profile of the University

  • the business case for the establishment and sustained operation of the program, including an assessment of the viability of a program and consideration of the impacts on University services and resources

  • the quality of academic outcomes as expressed through the qualities of a UniSA graduate

  • demonstrated support for the program from key stakeholders.

To establish, as required, expert review panels to assist with the conduct of business.

To carry out the development and review of quality assurance and improvement policies in relation to undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs and to provide recommendations on such policies to Academic Board.

To foster course and program development within the strategic directions of the University.

To receive reports from the Academic Unit Boards in relation to:

  • devolved aspects of the program amendment processes

  • summaries of program evaluation activity.


  • Pro Vice Chancellor: Teaching and Learning
  • All Deans of Programs
  • Pro Vice Chancellor: International (or nominee)
  • Director: Teaching Innovation Unit (or nominee)
  • Chief Information Officer (or nominee)
  • Director: Student and Academic Services (or nominee)
  • Academic Director: UniSA Online
  • Student Member (nominated by USASA)
  • Executive Officer (non-voting)

Staff with additional expertise in, for example, finance, transnational operations, flexible delivery, or online education, may also be invited to attend Committee meetings.

Approved by Academic Board - 28 June 2024

Meeting Schedule 2024

The Committee will meet eight times per year.

Closing Date for Papers Meeting Date
26 February 2024 8 March 2024
29 April 2024 10 May 2024
3 June 2024 14 June 2024
1 July 2024 12 July 2024
2 September 2024 13 September 2024
30 September 2024 11 October 2024
28 October 2024  8 November 2024


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