Urgent Business Committee


Terms of Reference

Approved by Chancellor delegation - 31 January 2025

1. Delegation from Council

1.1 Council has delegated to the Urgent Business Committee all of its powers and functions on the following conditions:

1.1.1 The delegation remains in force until amended or revoked by a decision of Council;

1.1.2 The Urgent Business Committee may only act pursuant to this delegation in circumstances in which the University might reasonably be expected to suffer prejudice, if the exercise of the power or function were delayed to allow the matter to be considered by Council;

1.1.3 Every action or decision of the Urgent Business Committee taken pursuant to this delegation must be reported to the next scheduled meeting of Council after such action is taken or decision is made.

2. Membership

2.1 The Urgent Business Committee will comprise the following members:

2.1.1 The Chancellor (Chair)
2.1.2 The Deputy Chancellor 
2.1.3 The Pro Chancellor
2.1.4 The Vice Chancellor
2.1.5 Either of the Academic or Professional Staff elected Council Member.

2.2    A quorum of the Committee will be four members.

3. Meetings and Decisions

3.1 A decision of the Urgent Business Committee is valid if:

3.1.1 a quorum is present;

3.1.2 a majority of members present vote in favour of the decision; and

3.1.3 at least one of the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and Vice Chancellor votes in favour of the decision.

3.2 Meetings of the Urgent Business Committee may be conducted electronically or virtually as determined by the Committee Chair. A decision of a member will be effective if conveyed in writing or electronically to the Committee Chair or the General Counsel and University Secretary. 

3.3 The business considered by the Committee will be coordinated by the General Counsel and University Secretary.

4. Reporting

Every action and / or decision of the Urgent Business Committee must be reported to, and recorded in the minutes of, the next scheduled meeting of Council.

Approved by Council - 14 September 2021

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