If you are not sure if the Research Contracts Team is the right team for your project, please check our University-wide list of "Contract Types". This list outlines the contracts covered by each area within the university and the best way to contact them for assistance.
To view the most common research and research-related contracts and agreements that the Research Office Contracts Team can assist you with, visit "Contract Types"
Note: Research-related contracts can only be signed by an authorised signatory within the appropriate Vice Chancellor's Authorisations (VCA) framework . If a research agreement is signed by an individual who does not have VCA, the agreement may not be valid or binding on the University. This may have serious implications for your research.
For support please email or call the respective academic unit.
For PTC Support, email HR@unisa.edu.au or call on 8302 2220 or visit their webpage.
For support, email enterprisehub@unisa.edu.au or call on 08 8302 3482 or visit their webpage.
For any of the below, please visit the Contracts Process page for the next steps.
Research related contracts can only be signed by an authorised signatory within the appropriate Vice Chancellor's Authorisations (VCA) framework . If a research agreement is signed by an individual who does not have VCA, the agreement may not be valid or binding on the University. This may have serious implications for your research.
It is a requirement of the Vice Chancellor that the VCA conditions and limitations are acknowledged by employees occupying authorised or sub-authorised positions. The acknowledgment is recorded on the VCA register.
To access the VCA register, click here.
To access and download sub-authorisation forms, click here.
For further information about the operation of the Vice Chancellor's Authorisations and sub-authorisations, please contact:
Risk and Assurance Services
e: VC.authorisations@unisa.edu.au
w: https://i.unisa.edu.au/staff/risk-assurance-services/
Need help to maximise HERDC income ?
For research activity to qualify for HERDC, please refer to the below checklist.
Criteria |
Description |
Novel | The activities are aimed at obtaining new findings |
Creative | The activity creates new knowledge to add to the knowledge base. Based on original, not obvious, concepts and hypotheses |
Uncertain | The outcome/s of the activities is uncertain |
Systemic | The activities are planned and budgeted for |
Transferrable and/or Reproducible | Activities lead to results that could be reproduced i.e., are not random or one-off |
For the activity to qualify as HERDC-compliant research, the answer to all five questions must be ‘YES’
Examples of activities that meet the definition of R&D (as per HERDC specifications for collection of 2022 data, Section 3.1.1):
Examples of activities that do not meet the definition of R&D (as per HERDC specifications for collection of 2022 data, Section 3.1.2):
Useful Links:
You should consider the following areas in consultation with the URO Contracts Team at the earliest opportunity. This will help inform the university’s negotiation position and may facilitate swift agreement with the other party or parties.
Key information includes:
More is better Include as much information in your request as possible. This could include what stage any discussions, what information you have provided to the funder, or what in-principle agreements the parties have made. The more we know about your project and your goals for the agreement, the easier it is for us to provide a contract that meets all of your needs.
Key dates / deadlines
Who is involved
Details of the research activity itself, including:
The location of work
Connections with other projects
Intellectual property (IP)
Clinical research
Anticipate delays
There often many moving parts throughout the Contract Process, and managing peoples expectations and timelines can be a challenge.
Key tips to help:
Please provide agreement early on and allow adequate time for briefing and signing. This will ensure signing is procured in case of unavailability . Please provide clear cash and in-kind details.
Please make sure the relationship and expectations of each of the parties has been discussed and agreed to prior to an agreement being issued. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to secure agreement from all the parties. Please highlight any special project-specifics e.g. special IP plans, at the outset.
Please advise the jurisdiction position desired by the international parties.
Please provide as much details as possible and any historical content that can assist with the contract, explain the nature of arrangement clearly, allow for sufficient lead time, highlight relevant considerations to fulfill the required commitment by the university e.g. investment, branding, facilities, tax, insurance, commercialisation etc.
As the university does not have control over the length of time it takes to negotiate with a funding organisation or third party the process may vary. The following categories of contract can take longer to process:
If you have reasons for a contract to be dealt with urgently or within a specified timeframe (e.g. a deadline for acceptance and delay in acceptance will cause losing the grant, please notify the research contracts team as early as possible so that an effort can be made to accommodate your needs.