Exam rules for invigilated online exams

Prior to each invigilated online exam please ensure you have a clear understanding of the conditions of your exam by reviewing the following:

  • The Examinations Procedure (particularly Sections A, B and D), and
  • The Exam Rules (listed below), and
  • The list of permitted software and materials specific to your exam (as specified by your academic staff member). Anything not listed is considered prohibited.

By undertaking your exam, you are confirming that you understand and will abide by the above.  Failure to comply will be considered a breach of exam conditions and could result in an academic integrity breach investigation.

1.   You must ensure the exam area and surroundings are prepared and meet exam conditions. The area should be a private and quiet space, free from distractions.

      1.1   The exam area (desk, underneath and surrounding the desk, surrounding walls and any visible surfaces) is clear and clean, free from clutter and unauthorised materials, such as notes or posters that have writing on them.
      1.2   All televisions, radios, and other audio devices are turned off during the exam.
      1.3   The lighting in the room is bright enough to allow the webcam to capture a clear recording of the room, and your face throughout the whole exam
      1.4   You must ensure that a stable power supply and internet connection is available throughout the exam duration.

2.   You must not view or use any wearable electronic device. Remove watches/fitness trackers/devices prior to entering the room to commence the exam.

3.   You must not cover your ears and must not wear or use items in, over or surrounding the ear. Do not wear headsets, headphones, earbuds, ear pods, or hats/hoodies that conceal your ears.

4.   You must remove all food from packaging, and ensure drinks are in clear containers without labels or branding.

5.   You must stay in view of the webcam at all times and must not leave the room during the exam.

6.   You must complete an online identity verification using your webcam immediately prior to the beginning of every exam. This will involve:

      6.1   A clear photo of your student id card (or an alternative form of photo id that has your name and photo on the same side - such as passport or driving license), and
      6.2   A clear photo of you sitting the exam in your exam environment.

7.   You must scan the room in which you are sitting your exam immediately before starting your exam. 

      7.1   The room scan must be a clear, slow, 360-degree floor-to-ceiling webcam recording of your exam area to clearly show that the room, walls, floor and desk area is free of prohibited items or other people.
      7.2   If you need to change rooms for whatever reason, repeat the room scan, and check exam conditions again. A good room scan and checking your exam conditions will help avoid unnecessary breach reports.

8.   You must only view or use your mobile phone to complete the MFA logon process, complete the ID verification if using a digital driver’s license or for contacting UniSA/RPNow technical support. All calls made must be in full view of the webcam and on loudspeaker. You must ensure the phone is placed face down on the desk during the exam and not viewed or accessed for any other reason.

9.   You must not communicate with other people or have other people present in the same room during the exam.

10. You must not access or use tools, software or materials during the exam unless explicit approval or direction has been provided in the exam instructions by your academic staff member.  This includes, but is not limited to:

      10.1  Tools that allow online collaboration including email, discussion boards, online forums or any other applications that allow real time information sharing
      10.2 Any other electronic device other than the computer you are using to complete the exam
      10.3 Artificial intelligence generation tools (e.g., ChatGPT)
      10.4 Hardcopy or physical items including pens, paper, calculators, etc.
      10.5 Any copy/paste functionality or software that allows for exam paper content to be retained by copying the page.

11.  Under no circumstances are you permitted to access or use third-party services or technology to gain unauthorised assistance during your exam. This includes, but is not limited to:

      11.1  Contract cheating sites (e.g., Chegg)
      11.2  Virtual Machines (VMs)