UniSA Online UNITE

Wednesday 19 July | 6.30pm – 8.30pm (ACST)

Event Schedule

6.30pm Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country
6.40pm Program Panel
Hear from your Program Directors and Program Facilitators who will give you a program overview and discuss professional outcomes, what you can do to increase employment opportunities post study, and postgraduate options. 

Career Panel
Join the conversation with UniSA alumni and industry professionals on starting and navigating your career, tips and tricks for career-related challenges, and advice on things you'd like to know when you finish university. 

8.00pm Career Planning - Understanding Your Professional Identity
Gain insights on how to build and enhance your professional identity effectively and how to best present yourself at professional networking opportunities. Facilitated by Rosslyn Cox.
8.30pm Event Concludes

Program Panelists

Dr Ysabella Van Sebille

Dr Ysabella (Bella) Van Sebille is the Program Facilitator for health programs at UniSA Online. Her role involves leading the development and delivery of teaching to online students through the management of Online Course Facilitators and their teaching teams.

Dr Dannielle Post

Dr Danielle Post is the Program Director of the Bachelor of Health Science (Public Health) program, and has research, coordination and teaching responsibilties across a range of health promotion and public health projects at UniSA.

Dr Kuan Tan

Dr Kuan Tan is the Program Director for the Bachelor of Community Health and Bachelor of Health Science programs within UniSA Online. In 2020, he served as the Principal Planner at SA Health, supporting hospital bed planning for several major hospitals and COVID planning processes.

Dr Natasha Wilson

Dr Natasha Wilson is the Program Director for the Diploma programs at UniSA. She has a strong background in biology, and completed her PhD at UniSA in 2015.

Career Panelists

Courtney Wolf

Courtney Wolf graduated from UniSA with a Bachelor of Community Health in 2022. She is currently working as an Education and Engagement Officer with the National Centre for Disability Advocacy (NCDA) at the Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA).

Susan Richter

Sue Richter is a graduate of the Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Exercise) at UniSA Online. She has recently moved to K'gari (Fraser Island) where she will soon begin an Events Manager role with the Kelsian Group, coordinating all events on K'gari including community events, school groups, travel groups, nature groups and wellness travel.

Dr Natasha Schranz

Dr Natasha Schranz is the Manager of Early Years, Children and Young People within Wellbeing SA's health promotion branch. Her team focuses on supporting children, young people and their families to thrive and flourish, as well as supporting the creation of healthier food environments for all South Australians.