Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

UniSA's Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) program is an internationally accredited and peer-led academic assistance program, designed to help you understand key concepts and content within your course, to achieve the best possible results.

These free and informal study sessions are run by students who have previously excelled in the course, understand its challenges, and can share first-hand experience of how to approach the course. PASS is not a remedial program but for all students, whether you want to improve from a Distinction to a High Distinction; a Pass to a Credit or even just to obtain a Pass grade.

With 94% of participants recommending PASS, we think it’s a great program to complement your studies.

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Why attend PASS?

  • Facilitated by students who have excelled in the respective course.
  • Review course material and explore different study skills.
  • Gain techniques to enhance your learning, success, and retention.
  • Improve your study practices to increase grades.
  • Study sessions in a relaxed and informal environment.
  • Opportunity for students to connect.
  • Free to attend

How is PASS different from tutorials?

Tutors usually bring set questions to tutorials for students to discuss and directly answer questions raised during the session. PASS Leaders start with your questions and work with you to find the correct answers. The focus of each session is determined by the needs of the group.

PASS Leaders also help you to gain strategies for learning and revising course material and develop your understanding of concepts by using lecture notes, tutorial materials, textbooks, group discussions, and creative exercises.

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Find a PASS session

PASS sessions are run weekly for a duration of 50 minutes. Simply turn up at the session time that suits you best.

> View Course and Session Times


No, you do not need to enrol or register for PASS, just turn up on the day. Check the specific timetables for each campus on this page for scheduled sessions by course. 

No, for student comfort and confidentiality online PASS sessions are not recorded

No, the PASS Leaders are there to facilitate the session and discussions around course content. Whilst they have completed the course previously and they have done well, it is not their role to proofread your work.

PASS is a weekly one hour facilitated study session, not a drop-in session. Specific questions are better directed to your tutor, Course Coordinator.

Attending PASS can be invaluable for students, as proven through research into the method and student feedback. Some benefits include: 

  • making effective use of study time (one hour of PASS equates to approximately 3 to 4 hours of independent study)
  • allowing students to make friends and interact with peers proactively
  • facilitating a consolidation of learning and understanding of the course content
  • providing a safe environment for students to discuss their ideas and hear others' ideas
  • improving grades by 12-15% for students who attend regularly (6-8 times a semester).

The PASS timetables are available to access via the links on this page, but may be altered during the semester if scheduled times do not suit the majority of students. We try to schedule sessions to suit as many students as possible, however, the timetable must also cater to the students facilitating the sessions. Any timetable changes will be reflected on the Course Sessions and Times page.

Yes, you can attend a single session, however, previous results have shown that the more regularly students attend PASS, the greater the success they have with their course. Students who attend PASS sessions regularly are more likely to improve their final grade for the course.

Further enquiries can be addressed via email to the PASS Coordinator:

Become a PASS Leader 

Are you are interested in:

  • making a difference in the student learning experience
  • earning a little extra money while studying?
  • adding some professional experience to your resume?
  • joining a fun and enthusiastic team?


Need some help?

Talk to a Learning Adviser

If you haven't found the study support you need here, make an appointment to chat to a Learning Adviser by contacting Campus Central or book online.