Sexual Harm Policy & Procedures

The University of South Australia expects all members of the university community, its visitors, and agents to treat each other with respect, courtesy, and consideration. We are committed to providing a respectful, safe, and inclusive environment that is free of sexual harm. This includes the development of a sexual harm policy and procedure for receiving disclosures and reporting incidents of sexual harm. 

Guiding Principles

The following principles underpin the policy, consistent with the University’s commitment to providing an environment that is safe, respectful and free from all forms of sexual harm. Our response to disclosures or reports about sexual harm will be based on the following principles:

  • All members of the University Community have a right to expect respectful behaviour from others and have a personal responsibility to behave respectfully towards others.
  • In all instances where a disclosure or report of sexual harm has been received, the University will take appropriate action to ensure the safety of the complainant, the University Community and/or any identified third party.
  • The University will provide support for students and staff members affected by sexual harm. There are no time limits on seeking information or support from the University.
  • Procedures for responding to and managing disclosures and reports of sexual harm aim to be trauma-informed and will be conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
  • The University recognises that while anyone may be subjected to sexual harm, certain groups within the community are more vulnerable, and an individual’s gender, gender identity, position/status, ability, age, socio-economic status, culture, or religion, may affect their experience of sexual harm.
  • The University is committed to reducing barriers to disclosing and reporting incidents of sexual harm and respects the rights of the person who has been subjected to sexual harm to decide whether to make a disclosure or report.
  • Confidentiality and information privacy will be upheld, in accordance with legislative and reporting requirements and University policies and procedures.

Click here for more detailed information about our Sexual Harm Policy and Procedures.

Urgent Assistance

24/7 Phone Support

1800 737 732

UniSA Support

Student Counselling Service
Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm
Metropolitan campuses: 1300 301 703
Mt Gambier campus: (08) 8723 1999
Whyalla campus: (08) 8645 8233

UniSA Out-of-Hours Crisis Line
1300 107 441 or text 0488 884 163
5:00pm to 9:00am weekdays 
24hrs weekends and public holidays

Staff Counselling Service
1300 277 924

External Support

Yarrow Place
Rape & Sexual Assault Service
1800 817 421

Sexual Health Education Agency
1300 794 584