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If you have been subjected to sexual harm, you may be faced with a number of decisions.
It's important you know that you have control of what action you take (including no action) and you can change your mind at any time. You do not have to make a decision quickly and it is important that you make the decision that is right for you. Whatever you decide to do, you do not have to go through this alone. There are many support services available to you through UniSA and other external organisations.
If you've reported an incident of sexual
harm to UniSA
If a report of sexual harm has been made against you
This online form can be used by UniSA students and staff, including First Responders, to report an incident of sexual harm.
It is important to note that, if you are reporting on behalf of another person, you must have their consent before you do so.
UniSA takes all allegations of sexual harm seriously and has specific responsibilities when dealing with allegations made against our students and staff. We can and do investigate these reports. This can mean taking the appropriate action in conjunction with the Police, professional bodies or other government agencies.
If you wish to disclose or report an incident to the University, we encourage you to make contact with one of our designated First Responders who are specially trained to respond to disclosures or reports of sexual harm and can advise you of your options.
Once you have considered your options you may choose whether or not you wish to proceed with a formal report. The process will differ slightly for students and staff, and depending on whether the perpetrator is a student or a staff member.
To report an incident of sexual harm to UniSA, click here.
Disclosing means sharing an experience of sexual harm, but not seeking further action from the University in relation to the incident(s).
If you wish to disclose an incident to the University, we encourage you to make contact with one of our designated First Responders who are specially trained to respond to disclosures or reports of sexual harm and can advise you of your options.
Once you have considered your options you may choose whether or not you wish to proceed with a formal report. The process will differ slightly for students and staff, and depending on whether the perpetrator is a student or a staff member.
To disclose or report an incident of sexual harm to UniSA, click here.
All investigations will be undertaken in a manner that is trauma-informed and follows the principles of natural justice.
Confidentiality is strictly upheld during and after investigations of reports of sexual harm, and victimisation (retaliation or intimidation for making a report) will not be tolerated. For more information about Policy and Procedures guiding investigations of reports, see here.
If the incident has been reported to the Police or to the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC), we will not take any action that may compromise the police investigation. We will continue to make support resources available during this period. We may also take other interim measures to ensure your safety and that of other members of the UniSA community, following consultation with the Police or the EOC.
On completion of the police or EOC investigation, the university may undertake appropriate actions in alignment with its policies, code of conduct and bylaws.
Information gathered during the UniSA investigation will be documented by the investigator and a report will be prepared. The decision about any action required, arising from the investigation, will be made by:
Where it is determined that a complaint is substantiated, UniSA will decide upon the appropriate disciplinary actions aligned with:
Click here for more information about the potential outcomes of an investigation into a complaint of sexual harm at UniSA.
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the process or outcome of your complaint, the following review mechanisms are available to you.
Unless you are under the age of 18, only you can make a decision about reporting sexual assault to the Police. You can report an incident to the police at any time by calling 000 in an emergency or 131 444 (non-emergency). Police are well trained to provide assistance and advice to people who have been sexually assaulted and there are a range of reporting options available to you, including:
When reporting the incident to the Police, they will discuss with you the need for a medical examination for evidentiary purposes. This examination will only take place with your consent. This is where a doctor conducts a thorough physical examination and collects evidence that may help the Police in building a case against the person who sexually assaulted you. The medical examination should take place as soon as possible. It is less likely as time passes that there will be any physical evidence for the doctor to collect.
Further information is available at the following website: http://voc.sa.gov.au/
Reports of sexual harassment can be made to the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) of South Australia on (08) 8207 1977.
You can visit the EOC website for details of the definitions of sexual harassment and the process for making complaints.
As a complainant, you have the right to withdraw your complaint at any stage of the process. However, we may continue to act on the complaint to ensure your safety and that of other members of the UniSA community.
National Sexual Assault, Domestic, Family Violence Counselling Service: 1800 737 732
Student Counselling Service
Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm
Metropolitan campuses: 1300 301 703
Mt Gambier campus: (08) 8723 1999
Whyalla campus: (08) 8645 8233
UniSA Out-of-Hours Crisis Line
Call 1300 107 441 or text 0488 884 163
5:00pm to 9:00am weekdays
24hrs weekends and public holidays
Staff Counselling Service
EAP Program: 1300 277 924
Yarrow Place
Rape & Sexual Assault Service
1800 817 421
Shine SA
Sexual Health Education Agency
1300 794 584