Establishing Your Project
Congratulations, you've won the money! Now what do you do?
- RESEARCH CONTRACTING: The UniSA Research Office Contracts Team can assist with the review, negotiation and execution of contracts related to research projects. Please visit the UniSA Research Contracts webpage for any further assistance with your research contracting process.
- For specific legal advice regarding your project or your contract, please contact UniSA Legal .
- IP Policy
- IP Guidelines
- Research Integrity – This section provides information on ensuring publication rights, maintaining research credibility, complying with funding requirements, upholding ethical standards in human and animal research, biosafety and more. Learn about your responsibilities as a researcher, along with ethical considerations, policies, procedures, codes, and legislation governing research here: Research Integrity, ethics and compliance
- Grant Establishment - Various items are required to establish grants, such as finalised contracts, acceptance forms, grant specific requirements. You will be contacted by the UniSA Research Office to get the cost centre activated.
- Research Data Management
- Research Tools and Services