Intro to Research Translation Pathways - 28 March 2025

Create change in the real-world - learn about a variety research translation pathways with the Enterprise Partnerships Unit experts.

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Higher Degree by Research Candidates 

Development opportunities for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates are delivered under the UniSAEDGE banner.  UniSAEDGE aims to enable successful, timely completion of your degree while building the foundations for a successful research career within and beyond the university sector. 

UniSAEDGE activities are offered by a range of UniSA and external providers. They will support you to: 

  • quickly orient yourself within your research context and successfully complete confirmation of candidature 
  • develop capabilities in research methodology, methods and techniques 
  • develop significant expertise in communicating your research through written, verbal and non-traditional mediums 
  • build your capacity to create impact with your research 
  • navigate and springboard into your future career 

For further information about specific HDR programs, click on the tiles/images below. 

Development opportunities for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates

Weekly Writing Retreats

Weekly Writing Retreats

Are you looking for a dedicated space to immerse yourself in your work and make significant progress on your research projects? Look no further! Our Weekly Research Writing Retreat will provide you with the ideal environment to boost your productivity, creativity, and overall research output.

Australian Technology Network (ATN) Frontiers

Australian Technology Network (ATN) Frontiers

Build capabilities to enhance your research and career effectiveness with short online courses through ATN Frontiers.

Research Education

Research Education

strategic initiatives and education & training activities associated with Research Degree Students and supervisors.

Project Management Essentials for Researchers

Project Management Essentials for Researchers

This series follows best practice project management principles linked to establishing good project foundations and scoping research projects, creating a robust and evidence-based project plan, and tried-and-tested ways to plan for uncertainty and risk.



If you are looking for new opportunities to make a positive difference in the world and accelerate your research career, then we invite you to apply for a coveted place in the Base Program.

The Habits Lab

The Habits Lab

Tiny Habits is a revolutionary method for changing behaviours, allowing you to quickly and effectively build positive habits across all areas of life.  

Mind Matters: Cultivating Wellbeing as a HDR Candidate

Mind Matters: Cultivating Wellbeing as a HDR Candidate

Proactively maintaining your mental health and wellbeing throughout candidature can enable you to make the most of your HDR experience.

Communicating Your Research: Thinking Outside the Page

Communicating Your Research: Thinking Outside the Page

Gain practical insights from UniSA Communications and Marketing unit experts as they highlight the pros and cons of a variety of media, including creative research communication and engagement opportunities.

Learn about HDR Internships

Learn about HDR Internships

Internships are a great way of learning new techniques or tools related to your research while also expanding your network and exploring career options. Find out more about what’s involved and how to prepare for an upcoming internship.

UniSA Careers Services for HDR candidates

UniSA Careers Services for HDR candidates

HDR candidates decide to embark on university studies for many different reasons. For some it might be to forge a new career pathway and for others to take the next step in a new direction or seek a promotion. Career Development Planning is one of the most important aspects of university life, and...

Introduction to Research Translation Pathways

Introduction to Research Translation Pathways

For HDR candidates in all disciplines, this webinar will be particularly relevant if you are interested in engaging with stakeholders beyond academia to achieve positive change, whether now, or in your future research career.