ATN Frontiers

Looking for deeper exploration and more intensive capability development of key enablers to your research and career?   


ATN Frontiers offers 11 modules on essential topics combining self-directed and online interactive learning options with the added benefit of networking with HDR candidates around Australia. 


What to Expect: 


ATN Frontiers is an innovative professional development program developed by the Australian Technology Network (ATN) of universities and facilitated by expert academics free of charge to HDR candidates.  


The program consists of two levels: 

  • Level 1 Modules: core interdisciplinary modules about potential changes in societal needs, research capabilities, technological advances and disruptions impacting the research environment.  
  • Level 2 Modules: master classes that build greater depth of knowledge and skills in key capabilities for research careers.  


Each module incorporates online workshops and self-directed learning requiring a commitment of approximately 15 hours over 4 weeks. 



Modules are held quarterly.   



Online through self-paced and directed learning, plus online workshops. 



Build the enabling capabilities required to achieve success in your research and career. 



Open quarterly 


Module Information  

Find information about specific modules and dates on the ATN Frontiers website