Mind Matters: Cultivating Wellbeing as a HDR Candidate 

Higher degrees by research (HDR) can present unique challenges as well as exciting opportunities and benefits.  Research indicates these challenges can include dealing with uncertainty, encountering research obstacles, the competitive research culture, working in isolation, financial pressures, all while also managing the rest of your life. 

Proactively maintaining your mental health and wellbeing can enable you to work through these challenges to grow personally and professionally throughout your HDR. 

📚 What to Expect

The workshops in the Mind Matters: Cultivating Wellbeing as a HDR Candidate series are facilitated by the experts at UniSA Counselling Services and tailored to the HDR context.  Each workshop will raise awareness of how particular challenges may be impacting you, offers a supportive environment to discuss experiences and provides strategies to improve your mental health and wellbeing.

You may choose to attend one workshop, all of them, or as many as you would like.

In 2024 the series will offer four workshops:

The UniSA Counselling Services team and Employee Assistance Provider also offer one-to-one appointments, options for urgent assistance and online self-help resources

📅 Commitment

Each workshop is a 1.5 hour commitment.  To enable a safe space to be created, workshops are not recorded and participants are asked to maintain confidentiality regarding information shared.

💻 Location:



Register for each workshop via the links above.

You may also be interested in the Habits for HDR Success Power Hour which will offer useful tools that you could apply to building wellbeing habits.