Make the most of myRD to support your researcher development


myRD supports the development of research skills that enable you to achieve your research and career goals.  Similar to EDGEx for HDR candidates, myRD offers a convenient, easy to use place to book, manage, record and reflect on your development activities.


With a wide range of activities available from the Library, UniSA Researcher Development, Academic Units and expert external providers, myRD includes activities across all disciplines, career stages and topics.  You can also add activities you undertake outside of the university, including conferences, workshops and courses through the Record your own activity option.


Finally, myRD provides an exportable record of your research skills development which you could use for:

  • Development and career planning
  • Your CV
  • Your track record for grant applications


Login to myRD here


Have questions about myRD? Check our FAQs for more information. 


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