Respect Month: Bystander Moment documentary screening

Thursday 27 April

4.00pm – 5.15pm

City West Campus

In honour of international Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and UniSA’s Respect month, students and staff are invited to join us for a special screening of 'The Bystander Moment.'  A film featuring pioneering activist and writer Jackson Katz, it explores how we can all be active bystanders and potential leaders with a role to play in challenging and changing the sexist cultural norms that too often lead to sexual harassment and gender-based violence.

Respect Month afternoon tea included as part screening.



If you or someone you know, has experienced sexual assault and/or sexual harassment, help and support is always available within and outside of UniSA.

For more info about UniSA support options visit out SASH webpage. For 24/7 support, call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – a free and confidential national counselling and support line.