Key Dates

This calendar points you to key dates for research students and supervising staff.

First Half of the Year (1 January - 30 June)

Ability Grant applications closing date

Any time

Fee-relief Scholarship applications closing date Dependant upon Research Period.
Refer to Fee Relief details

Last day for final thesis submissions to be fully approved to enable attendance at April graduation

11 February

International Travel Grant applications closing date for travel between July and December

15 February

The University of South Australia offers an orientation program (Registration key HDROrientation2018) for new research degree students. These sessions are compulsory for all students commencing a research degree. 

21 February
Review of Progress due to be submitted in student portal (for students enrolled in Research Periods 2 and 4) 28 February
Completion Scholarship applications closing date 28 February

Research proposal writing workshops

Beginning early March;
Visit EDGEx activity catalogue to register for a course.
Library: Research Support workshops Beginning in March; Visit EDGEx activity catalogue to register.

Students to check Research Period 1 enrolment on myUniSA and advise Graduate Research team if incorrect

Before 19 April

Research Period 1 census date

19 April

Review of Progress due to be submitted in student portal (for students enrolled in Research Periods 1 and 3) 31 May 
Maurice de Rohan International Scholarship applications closing date June

International Travel Grant applications closing date for travel between January and June of the following year

30 June


Second Half of the Year (1 July - 31 December)

Ability Grant applications closing date

Any time

Fee-relief Scholarship applications closing date Dependent upon Research Period.
Refer to Fee Relief details
Students to check Research Period 2 enrolment on myUniSA and advise Graduate Research team if incorrect Before 19 July
Research Period 2 census date 19 July

Completion Scholarship applications closing date

1 August

Review of Progress due to be submitted in student portal (for students enrolled in Research Periods 2 and 4) 31 August
Last day for final thesis submissions to be fully approved to enable attendance at September graduation

9 September

Students to check Research Period 3 enrolment on myUniSA and advise Graduate Research team if incorrect

Before 19 October

Research proposal writing workshops


Beginning in October

Visit EDGEx activity catalogue to register for a course.

Library: Research Support workshops Beginning in October; Visit EDGEx activity catalogue to register.
Research Period 3 census date 19 October

Review of Progress due to be submitted in student portal (for students enrolled in Research Periods 1 and 3)

31 October

Last day for final thesis submissions to be fully approved (international students only) to enable attendance at December graduation

13 November

Students to check Research Period 4 enrolment on myUniSA and advise Graduate Research team if incorrect Before 31 December
Research Period 4 census date 31 December