Staff, Students and visitors are able to purchase parking through a number of options;
PAYG (pay by plate) parking machines available only at Magill and Mawson Lakes
Latest state of the art License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology systems are used to ensure parkers comply with parking zones and payment conditions and to ensure operations are run efficiently.
The license plate recognition (LPR) system will be used to identify validity of virtual permits (permits) and payments for all vehicles and to also verify vehicles are parked in the appropriate zones. Vehicles in breach of the Parking Conditions and By-laws will be issued with a Parking Infringement Expiation Notice. Application for Parking permits and associated forms are now available online via the Permit Portal. The following information relating to parking and fees is supplied to assist you. Please read these guidelines and ensure that you are familiar with the contents and what you need to do.
Please ensure the online Application for Parking permits and all required fields are completed correctly. Permits cannot be issued without this information.
University parking rules are formulated to make parking as safe and convenient as possible within the limited resources available to the University.
Please be aware of the zones where you are permitted to park.
Any vehicle parked without a valid a permit or registered payment will be issued with an Expiation Notice.
Parking arrangements and fees vary from campus to campus across the University. In 1998 Council agreed that the University would increase car parking fees incrementally to the equivalent of those charged by commercial parks. The schedule of fees at each campus are:
Campus | Staff | Post Graduate Students /PHD's | Motorcycle | Casual / Visitor |
City East & City West |
Commercial parking |
N/A |
No charge | N/A |
City West 189 Currie St (5 day week) |
$75 per fortnight |
$75 per fortnight |
N/A | N/A |
City West 189 Currie St (3 day week) |
$45 per fortnight (EX GST) |
$45 per fortnight (EX GST) |
N/A | N/A |
Magill & Mawson Lakes |
$206.00 per year Applications received after 1 July will be charged at 50% |
$206.00 per year (no GST applicable) Applications received after 1 July will be charged at 50%
No charge |
PAY AS YOU GO -Pay by Plate Machines PAYG Smart Phone Parking App Max $2.00 per day (no GST applicable)
Vehicle, Traffic and Parking By-Laws are detailed in University of South Australia By-Laws. All vehicles parked on University grounds between the hours of 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday inclusive are required to purchase/register the vehicle. Breaches of Vehicle, Traffic and Parking By-Laws will be enforced and will result in the issue of an expiation notice and the subsequent payment of a penalty.
Staff need to apply for a parking Permitvia the Permit Portal. Permits are valid for the year of issue. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Parking Permits are available to staff on their "home" campus only. Home campus location is verified via the HR system. Please refer to Section 7 Campus Specific Information.
Applications for refunds must be made in writing to the FM Assist Office on your home campus. Refunds will made as soon as possible or in the case of special circumstances at the discretion of the Director: Facilities Management or nominee.
Staff Permits for parks at Magill and Mawson Lakes campuses will be sold at an annual fee up till June 30 after which the fee will at 50% of the annual rate.
The use of physical permits will no longer be required. Vehicles will now be monitored using license plate recognition. It is essential when applying for parking that you give the correct registration number of your vehicle(s)
The purchase of a parking permit (via online portal or pay station) entitles the holder to park on University grounds in the relevant area, if there is a park in that area, but does not guarantee that a parking space will be available.
A Staff Permit entitles the staff member to park in any vacant bay within a staff zone on their home campus and in any staff parking zone on any other campus except City East and City West.
Motorcycle Parking entitles the holder to park in any Motorcycle park on any campus.
Note: No student parking is available on the City East and City West campuses. Post Graduate students enrolled at Magill or Mawson Lakes campus can apply for a Staff parking permit for that campus. Pay as you Go Parking is available to students on the Magill and Mawson Lakes campuses.
Valid permit holders may update or register alternate vehicles provided the vehicles are registered to the same address. Copies of registrations may be requested as proof.
Registration of alternate vehicles can be completed via the Permit Portal after the application process is completed and parking approved.
Transit parking is available in designated bays at City East, City West, Magill and Mawson Lakes Campuses. These bays are designated for Transit Parking. The locations of the Transit Parks on each campus are as follows:
Access to these bays will be available to the following:
Please note if a staff arriving at Magill or Mawson Lakes is unable to find an available park in the Transit Car Parks, they are able to park in a vacant bay in staff parking zones.
Staff who do not normally use their vehicle and require casual parking when visiting the Magill or Mawson Lakes campuses may do so upon the purchase of a Pay As You Go Machine located in the Visitor / Casual Car Parks on the Magill and Mawson Lakes campuses or via the smart app process. This will entitle the staff member to park in any visitor / casual parking zone. No casual parking is available at the City West or City East campuses.
Note: Breaches of this regulation are subject to Expiation Notices.
Parliament has expanded the eligibility for Access Parking Permits. Previously, Access Parking Permits were only available to those with a permanent physical impairment, one which prevented the use of public transport and severely restricted speed of movement. Changes in force since 28 May, 1998 have expanded eligibility to include people who have a temporary physical disability, if the disability results in the same physical conditions, that is, severely restricted speed of movement and inability to use public transport, and if the disability is unlikely to improve within six months. Access Parking Permits can be obtained through Services SA.
The University provides Access Parking for staff and students holding a Access Parking Permit from Services SA.
Staff and Students
An Access Parking Permit entitles the permit holder to park in any access bay on campus.
Temporary physical impairment
Requests for 'Temporary Physical Impairment' Permits should be lodged with your local FM Assist staff with proof of the short term injury, usually a medical certificate detailing the injury and period for which the Temporary Access Parking Permit will be required. The University policy on Car Parking (C10.2) states that Access parking is free and the issue of a 'Temporary Physical Impairment' Permit is on the same basis. Temporary Access Parking Permits will only be issued for a period of no longer than 3 months. Staff and/or students with a long term disability must apply for an Access Parking Permits via Services SA.
In order to encourage the use of transport which has a less adverse impact on the environment, motorcycles may be parked on University grounds without cost. Applying for UniSA parking is still required and is issued free for motorcycles (staff and/or students).
Staff and students need to apply for motorcycle parking via the Permit Portal. Permits are valid for the year of issue. Incomplete applications will not be processed. A Motorcycle Permit entitles the holder to park on University grounds in only designated motorcycle areas, if there is a park in that area, but does not guarantee that a parking space will be available. Motorcycles must not park in areas set aside for motor vehicles. Staff on the suburban campus may choose to purchase a Reserved Car park in which to park their motorcycle.
Only motorcycles can be registered on this permit.
Note: At City East and City West there is no provision for Adjunct staff parking.
In recognition of Adjunct Staff contributions to the University, provision has been made for them to access parking for their time on campus. This will be in the form of an Adjunct Staff Parking Permitdetailing the dates parking has been authorised and the location in which they can park. Applications can be made free of charge to your local FM Assist Office.
Please note that you cannot apply for an adjunct Permit via the Permit Portal.
Adjunct Staff Parking Permits are only issued to staff who are not receiving any remuneration from the University for their services. If the Academic Unit feels it more appropriate they can purchase a staff permit for their Adjunct staff under the same conditions that apply to University staff excluding Salary Sacrificing.
Note: At City East and City West there is no provision for visitor/casual parking.
Parking is available for staff, students and visitors to the University at Magill and Mawson Lakes campuses by Pay as You Go (Pay by Number Plate) located across campus. This entitles the ticket holder to park on University grounds in visitor/casual zones on the campus from which the payment was made.
All visitors are required to abide by the University By-Laws whilst on campus. Please ensure that you provide any visitors to your area with appropriate information of the parking areas available for their use and their requirement to pay via pay as you go machines.
Note: Breaches of this regulation are subject to Expiation Notices.
For legal and OH&S reasons all external Contractors working or visiting any campus of the University must report to the Security Office each time they come on campus. At this time the Contractor will be advised of the local procedures for contractor parking and the requirements regarding their vehicle on the parking portal. Please ensure that you provide any external contractors to your area with appropriate information.
Note: Contractors are not to park in staff parking zones, exceed time limits in loading zones or park outside of designated parking areas. Breaches of this regulation are subject to Expiation Notices.
All University car parks will be patrolled by the Designated Service Provider to the University throughout the year, including official teaching breaks. Ignorance of parking regulations or a busy schedule are not excuses for illegal parking. Complaints or appeals must be directed in writing to the Designated Service Provider to the University as detailed on the Expiation Notice.
Please note: Expiation notices will only be waived in mitigating circumstances by the Designated Service Provider. Expiation notices will not be waived for failure to obtain a V-Permit.
Physical Permits will no longer be required (except Access Permits). Vehicles will now be monitored by Licence plate recognition. It is essential when applying for parking that you give the correct registration number of your vehicle.
Expiation Fees will be managed by the Designated Service Provider to the University. Offenders will be given 28 days to pay infringement notices. On failing to do this, a Final Notice including a late payment fee, will be forwarded with a request to pay within 28 days. Failure to pay this Final Notice will result in the matter being placed with the Fines and Enforcement Recovery Unit.
The cost of expiation of parking infringements will be $25.00. Expiation of parking infringements in areas designated for Access Parking will be $50.00.
The University offers staff members, either on continuing or fixed term contracts, the ability to pay for their campus car parking fees as a salary sacrifice deduction. Payment of University campus car parking fees as a salary sacrifice can only be made via the payroll system. Payments made direct to the designated Service Provider will not be reimbursed.
Car parking fees at Magill, Mawson Lakes will be deducted in a single payment via the staff member's salary. Staff members at City West and City East commercial parking can choose to pay for their car parking fees as a single payment or as a fortnightly salary sacrifice deduction. See the Salary Sacrifice Guidelines and Conditions and Salary Sacrifice application form.
Off-campus - Commercial car parking
Staff wishing to apply for commercial parking in Wilson Car Park and salary sacrifice the amount are able to contact FM Assist City East Campus for details.
Staff parking in commercial parking and salary sacrificing can apply for transit parking for Magill and Mawson Lakes campus by applying through the Permit Portal. They will be allowed to park in Staff parking zones or in the Transit parks at Magill or Mawson Lakes provided your Division/School/Unit has paid for Transit access. Please refer to Section 3.5 - Transit Parking. Please see the Salary Sacrifice Guidelines and Conditions.
Visitor and Adjunct staff: At City East there is no provision for visitor or adjunct staff parking. Visitors and Adjunct staff must locate parking in a Public Car Park at the City campuses.
Note: Expiation notices are issued throughout the year, including official teaching breaks.
189 Currie St Parking
Staff parking will be available at 189 Currie St for city based staff.
Application is via the Permit Portal.
The car park is covered by CCTV and is conveniently located to both City West and 101 Currie Street staff. Vehicle contactless entry is facilitated via license plate recognition or staff cards.
Credit Card Payments: One fortnight payment will be charged in advance to your credit card while application is processed. A direct debit form will be sent through for continuing fortnightly payments.
Please contact FM Assist to cancel your parking, Notice period of one month is required for cancellation.
Salary Sacrifice Deduction: Staff members either on continuing or fixed term contracts may pay by salary sacrifice (refer to Section 6 - Salary Sacrifice above). An application to Salary Sacrifice Car Parking Fees form (HRIS040) Must be lodged with FM Assist Mawson Lakes and also via the online Application via the Permit Portal. Please see the Salary Sacrifice Guidelines and Conditions. Salary sacrificing is not available to Casual staff.
Staff can apply for a permit via the Permit Portal.
Off-campus commercial car parking
Staff wishing to apply for commercial parking in Wilson Car Park and salary sacrifice the amount are able to contact FM Assist City West Campus for details.
Staff parking in commercial parking and salary sacrificing can apply for transit parking for Magill and Mawson Lakes campus by applying through the Permit Portal. They will be allowed to park in Staff parking zones or in the Transit parks at Magill or Mawson Lakes provided your Division/School/Unit has paid for Transit access. Please refer to Section 3.5 - Transit Parking. Please see the Salary Sacrifice Guidelines and Conditions.
Visitor and Adjunct staff: At City West there is no provision for visitor or adjunct staff parking. Visitors and Adjunct staff must locate parking in a Public Car Park at the City campuses.
Note: Expiation notices are issued throughout the year, including official teaching breaks.
Staff can apply for a Staff parking permit via the Permit Portal.
Staff parking permits allow staff to park in any vacant bay in staff parking zones. This permit does not allow staff to park in visitor/casual zones. Staff who wish to park in visitor/casual zones can pay via app or machine.
Parking is valid for the year of issue. Applications after 1 July will be charged at 50%. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Parking applications will be processed on the basis of "home" campus only and staff home campus details are verified via the HR system.
Method of payments for Magill staff permits.
Salary Sacrifice Deduction: Staff members either on continuing or fixed term contracts may pay by fortnightly salary deductions or salary sacrifice (refer to Section 6 - Salary Sacrifice above). An application to Salary Sacrifice Car Parking Fees (HRIS040) must be lodged with FM Assist Magill and also via the online Application at Permit Portal. Please see the Salary Sacrifice Guidelines and Conditions. Salary sacrificing is not available to Casual staff.
Credit Card: Staff may pay by Credit Card while applying for V-Permit via the Permit Portal.
Student parking
You will be able to pay for your parking via Parki - the smart phone app. Once you have registered, this 'smart' way of paying for parking will provide you with the following Benefits:
Pay for parking straight from the app - no need to display a ticket every day
You can quickly and effortlessly pay for parking for directly from your Smart phone, with automatic notification of your payment to our Parking Officers.
A reminder will be sent to you just before your hourly ticket expires (excludes all day payments).
How to use Parki in 3 easy steps:
1. Download the app (One off registration)
2. Select the car park and the desired parking duration
3. Submit your payment and receive confirmation.
For more information about Parki, go to
Note: Expiation notices are issued throughout the year, including official teaching breaks.
Vehicles are monitored by license plate recognition. It is essential when applying for parking that you give the correct registration number to your vehicle(s)
Post Graduate and PHD Students can apply for Staff Parking via the Permit Portal.
Staff can apply for a staff parking permit via the Permit Portal.
Staff parking permits allow staff to park in any vacant bay in Staff Parking zones. This permit does not allow staff to park in visitor/casual zones. Staff who wish to park in visitor/casual zones can pay via app or machine.
Parking is valid for year of issue. Applications received after 1 July will be charged at 50%. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Parking application will be processed on the basis of "home" campus only and staff home campus details are verified via the HR system.
Method of payments for Mawson Lakes staff permits
Salary Sacrifice Deduction: Staff members either on continuing or fixed term contracts may pay by salary sacrifice (refer to Section 6 - Salary Sacrifice above). An application to Salary Sacrifice Car Parking Fees form (HRIS040) Must be lodged with FM Assist Mawson Lakes and also via the online Application at Permit Portal. Please see the Salary Sacrifice Guidelines and Conditions. Salary sacrificing is not available to Casual staff.
Credit Card: Staff may pay by Credit Card while applying for V-Permit via the Permit Portal
Student parking
You will be able to pay for your parking via Parki - the smart phone app. Once you have registered, this 'smart' way of paying for parking will provide you with the following
Pay for parking straight from the app - no need to display a ticket every day.
You can quickly and effortlessly pay for parking directly from your Smart phone, with automatic notification of your payment to our Parking Officers.
A reminder will be sent to you just before your hourly ticket expires (excludes all day payments).
How to use Parki in 3 easy steps:
1. Download the app (One off registration)
2. Select the car park and the desired parking duration
3. Submit your payment and receive confirmation.
For more information about Parki, go to
Note: Expiation notices are issued throughout the year, including official teaching breaks.
Vehicles are monitored by licence plate recognition. It is essential when applying for parking that you give the correct registration number of your vehicle(s)
Post Graduate and PHD Students can apply for Staff Parking via the Permit Portal
The cost to staff of reserved parks on any premises leased by the University will be determined when these facilities become available. The number of parks provided to University staff on leased premises will be determined by the Director: Facilities Management. Where practicable, the cost of parking will align with the cost of parking on an equivalent campus.