HDR Candidate Internships Lunch and Learn

Internships involve undertaking research and development activities related to your HDR (directly or indirectly) with an industry partner.  They come in many forms and can be with a wide range of organisations.  


This workshop is not currently scheduled, however a recording of the 2023 HDR Internship Lunch and Learn workshop is available to view.

πŸ“š What to Expect:

Watch the Dean of Graduate Studies and a panel of HDR candidates who have undertaken an internship as they discuss:

  • what an internship is and the types of activities they can involve
  • what kinds of industry partners you can undertake internships with
  • a range of research and career benefits
  • challenges encountered and their solutions
  • how to get started

πŸŽ“ Who is it for?

HDR candidates from all disciplines and stages of candidature interested in creating research impact and exploring career options beyond academia.

πŸ“… Commitment:

The Lunch and Learn session is just over 1 hr, but has been separated into shorter sections so that you can listen to the information most relevant to you.

Alternatively, you can download the PowerPoint slides that identify the key points covered.


🎬Part 1 - 15 minutes:

Introduces internships, the variety of models and types and potential industry partners.


HDR Internship Lunch and Learn Part 1 - Key Points


🎬Part 2 - 40 minutes

The panellists talk about their internship experience, how it arose and the benefits they gained.


HDR Internship Lunch and Learn Panel Discussion


🎬 Part 3 - 15 minutes

Covers roles and responsibilities, how to source an internship opportunity and support resources.


HDR Internship Lunch and Learn Part 3 – Final Key Points and Q&A