Bupa Wellbeing Competition

Are you passionate about living well and helping other students improve their wellbeing? UniSA and Bupa are giving you the opportunity to showcase wellbeing tips and ideas that you feel are important to share with your peers. Create a digital poster about a wellbeing theme and a 500-word story to support it. Themes may include sleep, healthy eating, sport or anything else you're passionate about!

Any international student studying on campus at UniSA can enter the competition. You don't need to be studying graphic design or journalism - you just need the passion to help your fellow students!

There are four prizes up for grabs:

All winning posters and stories will also be published on the UniSA website, as well as other channels as appropriate (e.g. Student Life e-newsletter).

Submit your story and upload your poster on CareerHub by 5.00pm, Sunday 27 April 2025. Winners will be announced in mid-May. 

SP5 2024 winners

The Butterfly Hug

Yuting Cai

Master of Social Work

As I began my social work placement, I experienced a mix of excitement and anxiety. I had a strong desire to make a difference, but I quickly became overwhelmed by the emotional weight of my clients’ stories. One particularly tough day, I sought support from my counsellor. She introduced me to a self-soothing technique called The Butterfly Hug, which promotes relaxation and emotional regulation, especially in stressful situations.

Live in the present

Thi Nhu Ngoc Duong

Master of Information Technology

One day, you shall turn around and realise that everything you have ever been searching for has been right there with you all along. It is the present moment, and you are perfect. Happiness does not reside in the future or hover in the past. It is right here, right now, in the path you are walking, the food you are eating, and the people that surround you. Embracing the present moment is the key to happiness. 

Unleash your happy chemicals

Kiana Maniago

Bachelor of Nursing

Sometimes the world throws us the hardest battles that we can think of, and it gets too much that it becomes suffocating and slowly affects our daily lives. It can negatively frame the way we think, speak, act, and look toward the future, leaving us feeling stuck without
any solution. Being the curious cat that I am, I dug a little deeper into happiness hormones and learned that we can activate them even with small actions. 

SP2 2024 winners

It’s the little things

Ruth Simpson

Doctor of Philosophy

Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed or stressed, it can start to make you feel like the world is a bit… meh. As a British student during COVID, I spent three months living in isolation during the lockdowns. All I saw every day was my four walls, my laptop screen, and my dirty pots and pans.

Managing stress in everyday life

Gabeen Kim

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science

Stress, in varying extents, can be experienced by anyone regardless of their age or gender. It is okay to experience stress. However, it does matter how one processes it – whether positively or negatively.


Mae Parindhya

Bachelor of Nursing

While you may know that animals shed, we humans shed too as we adapt to different seasons. In 2019, I lost a part of myself that I have since been trying to get back, but then it hit me: What if I just… shed? What if I’m trying to bring back a part of myself that I’ve outgrown?

SP5 2023 winners

Slow down and unwind

Mia Torres Zavaleta

Bachelor of Design (Communication Design)

I made this poster called ‘Slow down and unwind’ because I think our world today is all about rushing, working non-stop and doing more, which can make us feel really stressed and tired. So, I wanted to share some ideas on how to take care of ourselves and feel better. By eating well, spending time in nature, practising self-care, and having joy and gratitude, we can have more balanced lives. 

Take a break and recharge yourself!

Hasni Gunasekara

Doctor of Philosophy

As university students we often try to finish our work to achieve our study goals. Work can capture our minds and run continuously inside us. Do not get exhausted, because it can reduce your productivity and make you feel anxious. You must consider self-care time for a stress-free life, and you can follow four simple steps to recharge your battery and you will feel renewed! 

Discovering wellness through postprandial walks

Lasantha Ranwala Arachchige Don 

Doctor of Philosophy – Pharmacy and Medical Science 

Imagine this: You’ve just had a hearty meal, and suddenly you’re hit by the notorious sleepy spell or a food coma. You could either succumb to the urge to nap or take a walk. I chose the latter. Here’s the beauty of it: our walks aren’t just about shedding those extra calories; they’re about bonding and making memories.

SP2 2023 winners

Music to free your mind

Bethany Swan

Bachelor of Nursing

Music is the language we all can speak. Music is the audible masterpiece our ears need to hear and our hearts need to feel. In overwhelming moments, music can be the perfect matchmaker for your mood, making you lose yourself in the lyrics of your favourite song, and the perfect escape into the corners of your imagination.

A potion for self-love

Sasuli Vidana

Doctor of Philosophy HR Management

You often love many people in your life such as your parents, siblings, or your partner, and often forget to love the person who matters the most. It is very important to love yourself to be the better version of yourself. I have used the acronym ‘HEART’ to cluster the principles of self-love, which we can practise in our daily lives.

Managing self-doubt

Jun Ni Ho 

Doctor of Philosophy Pharmacy & Medical Science 

We often doubt ourselves, as we lack confidence in believing in our abilities and decisions. While optimal self-criticism can be a good source of motivation, excessive self-doubt can lead to anxiety and fear, preventing us from realising our full potential. However, when managed properly, self-doubt can be used as performance enhancer for self-growth and improvement.

2022 winners

Empty your Mind

Ting Nga (Tiffany) Yeung

Master of Teaching (Secondary)

‘What do you like to do in your spare time?’. My honest answer is, ‘I like to let my mind wander’. Past studies showed that people spend half their waking hours daydreaming. You might have heard about how daydreaming is beneficial to our mental health in general, but what are the functionalities of daydreaming for university students like us?

Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle

Sheetal Roy

International Master of Business Administration

Workout is not a chore that I tick off from my to-do list, I think of it as ‘a luxury to move my body and do this for me’. For you, it might be different – taking a walk, swimming, or going for a run, there are so many ways to move your body and make you feel good. Be kind to the parts of you that are still learning, be kind to yourself. 

Tips for Maintaining Mental Health

Nevyaben Sagarbhai Patel

Master of Health Services Management

As an international student, we need to manage many things at the same time. At some point I lost my mental peace and I made the decision to return to my country. Then I realised that I am here for a better future, I can't give up like this, so I I watched some videos and started following six steps to make my mind calm and cool.

Visit the Bupa International Community page for more resources to help in living well.