If you are after some extra cash or would like to gain some work experience, you might wish to find a job while studying in Australia. Your work rights depend on your visa type and you should always refer to the Department of Home Affairs (HA) for up to date information specific to your visa.
In general, your student visa allows you to work up to 48 hours per fortnight during the academic year and full-time during official university semester breaks. If you work more hours than this, you will be in breach of visa conditions and your visa may be cancelled.
If you are a full-time research degree student it is recommended you work only up to 8 hours per week, or for a total of the equivalent of 8 hours per week over a twelve month period or 320 hours per year.
Find more information about your right to work in the FAQs below. For information on the new permission to work arrangements for student visa holders, please refer to the HA website.
Before you work in Australia you will need to be issued with a Tax File Number (TFN) from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Find more information in the FAQs below, or from the ATO.
Explore UniSA Careers, where you will find great services and resources to help you find work. And before you start work in Australia it’s good to understand your rights. For more information about salary and working conditions in Australia refer to the Fair Work Ombudsman.
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