teaching and learning breakfast series banner

The Teaching Innovation Unit hosts a series of Teaching and Learning Breakfast events throughout the year. Since 2015 we have presented a wide range of topics in teaching and learning with some world-class speakers visiting Adelaide or presenting via a virtual classroom. The session is livestreamed and draw an audience from universities across the world.

Upcoming sessions

Session details and registrations for upcoming sessions will be available soon. Click the button below to join the mailing list and receive the latest updated information. You can also select the button below to visit the Breakfast Series YouTube channel and view recordings of previous sessions. 

Date Speaker
Thursday 13 March Panel
Friday 10 October  Dr Nathan Boase (QUT)
Friday 7 November Associate Professor Jay Cohen (University of Adelaide)

Latest Breakfast Session - Associate Professor Kerry Bodle (Griffith)

What's on: key dates

The critical dates page provides a snapshot of the professional development options offered by UniSA's Teaching and Innovation Unit, including symposiums, workshop dates, a summary of UniSA and external teaching awards and grants opportunities and their submission deadlines.

Find out more

