UniSA Teaching  and Learning Symposium 2024


The UniSA Teaching and Learning Symposium 2024 invites all staff from across the university to come together for a one-day conversation about teaching and learning at UniSA's City West campus on Friday 15 November.

The aim of the symposium is to provide an opportunity to share practice and make visible all the great work we are doing – from small scale to large. This event is about challenges, successes, interventions tried and failed, and learnings gained from inquiries made into learning and teaching theory and practice. 

Call for Abstracts


We invite abstracts on the following themes:

  • Aboriginal Curriculum
  • Academic Integrity
  • Digital Media in Higher Education
  • GenAI in Higher Education
  • Inclusive and Accessible Teaching and Learning
  • Work-integrated Learning
  • Other


Presentations will be grouped by theme and format (Practice or Research).

Practice Stream Presentation on practice e.g. successes, failures, challenges, innovations, experiments
(25 minutes, including Q&A)
Research stream Presentation on inquiry-based findings, discoveries, or learnings
(25 minutes, including Q&A)

Abstract submission should include: 

  • The title and all authors/contributors 
  • The presentation format
  • The symposium theme addressed 
  • An abstract of the presentation (250-500 words)
  • Download abstract template HERE*

*Please note that the file naming convention is SURNAME_First name_abstract title

Abstract deadline: Friday 23 August, 5.00pm

Presenters will be notified of the outcome by Wednesday 25 September 2024.


Any questions should be directed to TIU@unisa.edu.au or phone 8302 7849.

Image: The UniSA Online Team, joint winners of the prize for Academic Unit with most successful abstracts.